Top Engineers Summit

The Summit

If you are one of the 150 happy few to be invited* to attend the “Top Engineers Summit” in Brussels on 12 December 2014, you will have a chance to:

  • meet up with blue-chip companies
  • talk directly with their representatives to understand their business and hiring requirements
  • be interviewed by the companies that have selected you before the summit
  • attend company presentations and workshops
  • network with other high potential candidates

See for details

EmployAbility’s Disability Excellence in Practice: A Masterclass on Disability and Disclosure

There are just a few places left on EmployAbility’s Disability Excellence in Practice: A Masterclass on Disability and Disclosure. Book now to reserve your spot. A preview of some of the topics that will be discussed can be found in recent BBC coverage here and here.

Disability Excellence in Practice: A Masterclass on Disability and Disclosure

When: Wednesday, 12th November 2014, 10:00am – 2:00pm
Where: Hosted by Bank of America Merrill Lynch in Canary Wharf
Who should attend: Diversity, HR, Recruitment Specialists, Team Leaders

Why attend?

Attract, Retain and Engage diverse talent through:

  • Improving your understanding of disability and disclosure and the impact on recruitment and the business environment
  • Understanding the context of Equality Act 2010 in relation to disclosure and the employers’ duty to make reasonable adjustments
  • Developing your knowledge and confidence regarding disability, disclosure and adjustments
  • Encouraging a culture of openness, to improve effective and efficient implementation of relevant adjustments, so that potential and existing employees can perform to the best of their ability
  • Sharing best practice and experiences with your peers and other relevant professionals

What does the course involve?

  • Practical guidance and advice for the attraction, recruitment and retention of talented disabled applicants and employees
  • Working in small focused groups to share experiences and enhance learning
  • Interactive exercises and scenarios to build on your existing knowledge

Topics covered include:

  • Definition of disability – the scope of disability in relation to disclosure
  • The law in context – a brief overview of the Equality Act 2010, including disability and disclosure and the impact on the employer’s duty to make reasonable adjustments in the recruitment process and the workplace
  • Organisation, leadership and disclosure – what can your organisation do to encourage disclosure
  • Your role and disclosure – how to encourage disclosure of disability and what to do if an employee tells you they are experiencing difficulties due to a disability
  • Metrics and disclosure – how to monitor disclosure to encourage change
  • Recognise the signs – identifying when an employee is experiencing difficulties due to a disability
  • Sensitive conversations – a guide to having conversations about disabilities with applicants and existing employees
  • Interactive Scenarios and examples – group based work on real life examples
  • Disability Etiquette and appropriate language

Price: £249, this price includes a networking lunch. Discounts are available for Universities and Charities.

To book your place on this event, please go to the Disability Excellence in Practice page on the EmployAbility website and follow the instructions at the bottom of the page.

National Undergraduate Employability Awards

The National Undergraduate Employability Awards is entering its fifth year, showcasing the outstanding achievements of employers, universities and students in undergraduate employability.

The National Undergraduate Employability Awards 2014

Employer Awards

Our Employer Awards recognise and celebrate the outstanding achievements of companies, large or small, across the UK in undergraduate work experience. In the current climate, it’s essential for students to gain work experience whilst at university and we believe employers who are offering fantastic schemes deserve to be recognised for their efforts.

University Awards

Having worked closely with university placement officers and careers advisers over the past six years, we are only too aware of the hard work and dedication that goes into ensuring students gain the required levels of work experience and employability skills.

Student Awards

The Student Awards reward and recognise the amazing achievements carried out by students and university societies across the UK.

Whether a society has demonstrated a strong commitment to increasing the employability of its members, or a student has made an invaluable impact to a business, our Awards highlight and celebrate the amazing achievements of all.

See for further details


Bombardier’s Global Graduate Program is an integrated global and boundary-less development program preparing passionate and talented individuals for a future role within our company. Its long-term purpose is to fill Bombardier Transportation’s future global talent pipeline as a key element of our competitive foundation for great talent globally.

The program consists of three assignments of six months each and allows you to work on Bombardier’s railway projects in Europe and possibly worldwide. You will gain an in-depth understanding of established processes, systems and tools,
work on assigned projects and contribute to business success at an early stage. Global_Graduate_2015_DINA4_Flyer

The Global Graduate Program starts on September 1st, 2015. The official application period will open on December 1st,
2014 and will close between February and May 2015, depending on the track.

To learn more about the program and
how to apply to different tracks, please follow the link:

CIUK International Student (Non-EU) Work Experience Fairs

CIUK_Autumn_fair_posterCareer Interactive (CIUK) will be hosting International Student (Non-EU) Work Experience Fairs. The event aims to source greater relevant experience of employment for international students based in the the UK, and to increase the chances of graduates in finding their dream job. CIUK would therefore like to invite all international students across the UK to join the following fairs:

London: 29th October 2014 at Pimlico Academy (12-4pm)
Birmingham: 21st November 2014 at Millennium Point (12-4pm)
Manchester: 11th November 2014 at Manchester Town Hall (12-4pm)

Key Features of the fairs:

  • Students will have Free Entrance to our events;
  • All employer exhibitors are willing to provide any type of work experience to foreign students in the UK, and some of them have the capability to provide Tier 2 Sponsorship;
  • Key guest speakers: Director of CBBC and the Mayor of Manchester;
  • Workshop about improving employability whilst studying in the UK on the day

Please sign up for Free Entrance ticket or get further information by visiting

Careers in Logistics – 29th October 2014, 2pm

The UK Logistics industry is worth £96 billion. 1 in 12 jobs in the UK are within this sector. It’s about moving, supplying and storing goods around the UK and Internationally. Explore Logistics with Boots and the Institute of Logistics.

An ideal career for any UK or International graduate, with any degree

Find out more about logistics careers at:

To book log into Careers Online