Assessment Centre Survival webinar

Peugeot Citroën Automobiles are running their second Industrial Placement Recruitment Webinar Monday 17th November 2-3pm.

The Webinar title is “Assessment Centre Survival” this will cover:

  • What to expect at an Assessment Centre
  • The different types of activities involved
  • And how to prepare

To register use the link below & please note attendees will need to register in advance of the start time.

SBE Assessment Centre practice with EY, PWC, FactSet and CEC

23rd October 2014 6pm – 8.30pm  

Also 30th October 2014 6pm – 8.30pm

Practice some elements of a mock assessment centre with the Careers and Employability Centre with employers EY, PWC and FactSet.

Have a go at the types of interviews you may encounter, the questions you may be asked, and typical group activities you’ll be asked to take part in during a real employer assessment centre.

Delivered jointly by the Careers and Employability Centre and employer recruiters, you’ll hear first-hand what to expect and learn how to prepare effectively.
Come along and gain as much practice as you can before your first real assessment centre.

This workshop is for SBE students only and will be open to students from other departments if there are remaining places left two days before the event.

Book on Careers Online

Fashion Industry Advice –

George BurtonSenior Creative Manager, George Burton, works for online fashion retailer

What made you decide to create a digital Stylefix magazine?

The decision really came out of us noticing a couple of key trends, one being a shift in customer behaviour. We’ve seen a steady increase in traffic from tablets and mobile devices and the move away from the conventional Desktop experience and figures indicate that by 2015 there will be half a billion new devices that can all read digital magazines.

The second being the growth of the digital publications, there are now more digital titles out there than physical magazines. So to ensure that whenever and however customers choose to engage with that they have a seamless experience we decided to make our established Stylefix magazine available in a digital format.

How has the magazine benefited your customers?

The printed Stylefix has a limited print run so unfortunately not everyone is lucky enough to receive a copy. So now customers have the option of having it on their phone at all times which allows users to receive updates on the latest trends, exclusive articles, shoppable content and competitions which is right at their fingertips and is better suited to our customer’s lifestyle.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

I can’t say too much at this point but we’re looking at releasing the digital Stylefix in more countries and also what the realms of augmented reality could add to our printed Stylefix, which I’m very excited about so yes there’s are a lot of exciting things in the pipeline for!



Fashion Industry Advice –

Ross MackayInteractive Designer/Digital Publisher, Ross Mackay, works for online fashion retailer

Here he talks about his career and what he loves about his job:

What’s a typical day for you?

I start my day by checking my emails and design blogs for a bit of daily inspiration.  I think it’s important to visually wake up the brain in the morning and see what new stuff is out there.

After that I look through my plan of what articles need to be designed up for the next issue release.  I try to put pen to paper before pixel to picture as much as possible as this helps get my ideas out at a much faster pace and helps sculpt the overall vision of that days design.

Once the overall concept is complete then I will jump on the computer and start to make that image come to life.

What do you love most about your job?

Every day is different.  With the digital magazine I usually have to design up 30 or more verticals for the digital mag for each issue, each taking on their own design and thought process.

I enjoy being able to take a concept from the pagination and work closely with the photographers and videographers to make these ideas become real.  Seeing the end result which has derived from brainstorming, research and sketches is very rewarding.

What has been the best moment of your career so far?

Redesigning boohoo’s printed Stylefix for the iOS platform and seeing it released in the App Store was a great moment for me.  Knowing that the mag I designed is being downloaded and used by hundreds of thousands of people in the UK will be hard to beat.  Up next, the rest of the Northern Hemisphere…

Have you got any advice for people wanting to get into either fashion or design?

Get together a good portfolio of your strongest work and tailor it to particular companies you want to work for.  Make sure you have an online presence like a website or a blog or better still – both.  Continuously update it with your latest work and keep up to date with what other designers/studios are doing around you.

Follow them on twitter and other social media as this seems to be the area where most jobs are starting to be advertised.  Continue to grow and learn as a designer.  The more rounded you are the better.  Always stay creative and design everything you do.

What distinct features does the app hold?

When reading a printed magazine what you see is what you get.  With the boohoo digital Stylefix we’ve made the whole reading experience more interactive and engaging by using all the technical advances available to us.

The digital magazine is filled with exclusive video content that loads directly from the app. Users can also view product in full 360 degree rotations, leaving no thread unseen.  Links to all our social media channels are placed throughout the magazine to give users a direct path to join in the conversation at the touch of a button.  This also rings true for our guest bloggers where their personal websites providing more invaluable fashion tips and tricks are available to access without actually leaving the app. As well as exclusive cover star interviews. It is all these functions that make the boohoo Stylefix stand out from a lot of our competitors.




Careers in Statistics and Mathematics Information Session

15th October


Employees and representatives from several careers for mathematics graduates  will be making brief presentations.

After the presentations, there will be about half an hour for informal chatting and networking over coffee, tea and biscuits.

We are particularly pleased to be able to welcome some recent mathematics graduates from Loughborough  mathematics to talk about their careers!  Everyone is invited.

Representatives will come from:

  • PriceWaterhouseCoopers
  • Lloyds
  • The Ministry of Defence,
  • HM Revenue & Customs,
  • Loughborough University PGCE
  • University of Leicester Masters Program in Medical Statistics
  • Nomura Investment Bank
  • IMA Teacher Training Scholarships
  • KPMG
  • BAE Systems

Click here for more details

12 tips to ace Skype based job interviews

Video chat type job interview is gaining in popularity. In certain cases it has become a modern day substitute for the popular phone-based job interview. Of the various videos chat software available, Skype being free and cross platform is the most widely used for this purpose. Here are carefully selected tips to help you ace the interview. Use these tips in addition to normal job interview tips.

  1. Username – Before the interview can commence, the interviewer will have to search and add your username to his or her contact list. When opening a Skype account, think carefully about your username and avoid names that might reflect poorly on you.
  2. Profile Picture – One of the options when setting up a Skype account is adding a profile photo. This is an optional feature, but should you choose to use it, make sure that the photo is dignified for the occasion and fit for purpose.
  3. Setup and Configuration – If you are new to Skype, it takes a few minutes to download the software and configure it. You should aim to have it setup and working well before the interview starts.
  4. Backup Device – Cross platform software means that you can install it on various devices, from laptops and smartphones and on various platforms, from Apple to Android. You will do well to set it up on at least two devices should you need to switch devices during the interview.
  5. Close Other Programs – The microphone on most video chat applications is sensitive and can pickup background noise including sound that comes from your other applications. For example, email notifications during the interview can be distracting and even annoying. Therefore we suggest that you close all non-essential applications to refrain from such interference.
  6. Use Picture-in-Picture – The picture-in-picture is a build in option in Skype that lets you see yourself as well as the other party. It is recommended that you use this feature, so you are aware how you come across to the other side during the interview.
  7. Suitable Internet Speed – The room that you have selected for the interview must have suitable Internet speed to conduct the interview without the picture freezing or worse, the chat disconnecting. It is recommend choosing a room that has fixed hardwired broadband as opposed to using for example, public 3G or wireless.
  8. Choose The Environment – The interviewer will see well beyond your face. The webcam on most devices is wide enough to capture your desk and even the background. Give this a serious thought before the interview starts. Make sure your immediate area as well as the background area is clean and tidy.
  9. Dress Head to Toe – Don’t think that because the interview is web based and you are seating down you can leave out dressing for the occasion. Make sure you dress head to toe and not just above the waistline. Beyond the possibility of the interviewer getting a glimpse at your full stature, dressing accordingly is thought to help you get into the right state of mind for the interview challenge.
  10. Practice Makes Perfect – If you are concerned about video based job interview, practice before the real deal. Practice with a friend, family member even with an agency recruiter to help work out any kinks.
  11. During The Interview – Make sure that you adjust the webcam so that your eyes are leveled against the camera. Otherwise, the interviewer might only see your forehead. Try to look right at the webcam, as this is the closest you’ll get to make eye contact. Avoid knocking or tapping anything on your desk as this might generate unflattering background noise.
  12. Troubleshooting – As with any piece of technology, kinks can happen when you least expect them. Interviewers often look for candidates that are problem solvers, so here is your chance to shine. If the video chat job interview has hit a snag, chat or email the interviewer telling them that you are working to resolve it. Try and use your alternative backup device. Make sure your Internet connection is working, or try alternative connection if you have one. If all falls, suggest that you complete the interview over the phone. Try not to reschedule as by the time your interview comes up again, interviewer might have interviewed other candidates.

Good luck in your career job search.

Written by the staff at The Carling Partnership Ltd (CPL), a leading search and selection agency offering jobs in the brewing industry. Formed in 2001, CPL is the leading search and selection company working with and for the drinks industry.

Management Accounting – Starting Out In This Rewarding Career Path

logoPlease find below an article, provided by CGMA, highlighting management accounting careers



Ambitious characters and those looking for a challenge are perfect candidates for a career in management accounting. This rewarding career combines financial skills with managerial skills, you will not only be analysing information, but also forming strategies and making key business decisions! Many paths in management accounting will also give you the opportunity to get out there and travel the world, making this the perfect choice for those with a sense of adventure!

Management Accounting requires not only knowledge of budgeting and accounts, but also the ability to effectively communicate budgets and plans to other managers and colleagues. If you are looking to combine business and finance with the opportunity to work around the world, then a management accounting career may be for you! Interested? – Read on!

The Journey to Becoming a Management Accountant

Becoming a Chartered Global Management Accountant (CGMA) designation holder can lead you into a lot of proficient positions. CGMA’s may work in finance, or put their broader business training to use in roles such as being a Board Director, Chairman, CEO or CFO. Any management accountant role will involve critical business decision making, and require you to drive strong business performance. Management accounting positions encompass a mix of strategy and management skills, operations expertise, and financial knowledge.

On the route to become a CGMA designation holder you follow the syllabus of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants. This qualification is operates on a competency framework which acts as a bridge between education and employment.

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Teacher training graduate experience

“I’m surrounded by some of the most optimistic and enthusiastic people you could ever hope to meet…”

Alana Burridge is in her first year as a teacher at a Leicestershire primary school. Here she describes why she chose teaching and what life is like in the classroom as a trainee and newly qualified teacher.

“I did a degree in sociology and social policy. When I finished the day after graduation I started an office job. This was always going to be temporary and it was during this time I decided to look at teacher training.

“Teaching had always been in the back of my mind. I did work experience with the police when I was at school but it wasn’t for me. I wanted to help children rather than catch criminals. I guess the desire to teach came from my childhood. I’d always enjoyed helping my younger brothers with their homework and I was also a gym coach in my spare time.

“I was accepted on a teacher training course in September 2012 and when the training year started I immediately found myself in a whirl of lectures and theory based work. Then I was sent on the first of three school placements. We did a lot of observation of teaching at first and I also got the chance to teach small groups with an experienced teacher looking on, but as time went on the time I spent taking classes – under the watchful eye of an experienced teacher – increased.

“By the third placement I took charge of a class proper. I had a fantastic time and enjoyed that. It is a steep learning curve. Going from no responsibility and then having responsibility for a class of 30 children is a big jump. It was a bit scary to be honest but schools are full of the most skilled and supportive people you could hope to meet so it didn’t feel like I was really alone.

“Many teachers are observed in their training period by their colleagues. It was very strange having people in the classroom all the time. People were in and out all of the time. I didn’t realise that this would be the case but I soon got used to it.

“I started at my current school – Barwell Church of England Academy – in September 2013. I’m in charge of a Year 3 class of 30 7 and 8 year olds. It’s a challenge that was daunting at first but I wouldn’t change it for the world.

“I am a lot more confident now that I’ve almost completed my first full year as a qualified teacher. Being a full time teacher doesn’t mean that the support I received during my training year suddenly ends. I’m working alongside another Year 3 teacher which is really helpful. She is my mentor and she is really experienced and supportive. I think it’s really important that you have an experienced colleague to support you and give you advice.

“A typical day starts with registration and then collective worship in the school hall. Then we have a lesson after assembly before a mid morning break. Then it’s numeracy before lunchtime. In the afternoon we focus on guided reading with the children. That’s the basic structure but obviously it varies from day to day. That’s what makes the job so enjoyable – no day is exactly the same.

“If I had done this all again I would have liked more experience of being in a school beforehand. I think the School Direct teacher training approach that my school is now part of does give trainee teachers a wealth of classroom experience.

“I think it’s also important to get some experience of schools before you start your training year, whichever course you choose. I think you should get involved, either on a voluntary basis or as a learning support assistant. You can learn lots by getting involved in schools in this way. You also get a chance to observe teachers teaching this will help you prepare for the time when you are training. You can pick up lots of hints and tips this way.

“I love teaching. I remember spending a lot of time clock watching when I was working in an office. Time went so slowly. In a school it’s the complete opposite. There is always something that makes you smile. And working with children is wonderful – you are surrounded by some of the most optimistic and enthusiastic people you could ever hope to meet. That’s such a privilege.”

Alana Burridge is teacher at Barwell Church of England Academy, which is part of Affinity Teaching School Alliance. This group of schools are part of Inspiring Leaders Teacher Training, a new schools-based teacher training provider which opens recruitment to its 2015-16 School Direct teacher training course this September. Go to to register your interest and find out more.