Autocar-Courland Next Generation Award 2014

The Autocar-Courland Next Generation Award is a national competition to identify, support and develop top automotive talent of the future in which entrants from UK universities are invited to answer the brief below as set by Autocar’s editor-in­-chief Steve Cropley. The winner will receive £7,500 and one month’s work experience at each of the leading automotive organisations supporting the award: McLaren Automotive, Jaguar Land Rover, Peugeot, Skoda and Toyota.
 Apply now

Direct Your Career – Workshops

Wed 30 April Practising Online Aptitude Tests 2.00pm – 3.00pm N004 Haslegrave
Wed 30 April Preparing for a Global Career – Introduction to culture, language and body language 2.00pm – 4.00pm BRI.2.08
Thurs 1 May Loughborough Employability Award Induction 1.30pm – 2.20pm BRI.2.12
Tues 6 May Effective Career Networking 1.00pm – 3.00pm K124 HMB
Tues 6 May Excelling at Interviews 5.00pm – 6.30pm K124 HMB
Wed 7 May Preparing for a Global Career – The Culture of business 2.00pm – 4.00pm K109 HMB
Wed 14 May Loughborough Employability Award Induction 2.00pm – 2.50pm BRI.2.12
Wed 21 May Preparing for a Global Career – Developing inter-cultural competence 2.00pm – 4.00pm BRI.2.08


Book via Careers Online

What is it like working at a BUNAC Summer Camp in the USA?

Anya Gomulski, a student at Loughborough, has written about her summer spent at a BUNAC Summer Camp USA: photo2

Although the prospect of a long summer vacation after months of gruelling revision and exams seems appealing, often the months can be wasted away with nothing to show for them, when the summer draws to a close. It was the thought of this that led me to begin researching once in a lifetime summer opportunities; it was then that I discovered BUNAC’s Summer Camp USA programme.

Having watched Parent Trap hundreds of times, the idea of spending my summer at an American camp seemed so exciting and after a very quick application process I had been placed at a camp in Upstate New York called Camp Loyaltown.  The great thing about going through BUNAC is that everything was arranged for me. This included my first nights’ accommodation in New York and my flights. This meant that, whilst I was busy worrying about deadlines, the stress was taken away and I had an amazing summer awaiting me, once the deadlines were over.

During the application process, BUNAC had quizzed me on my talents and interests.  This meant I was able to spend my summer teaching ceramics as well as doing sport with my campers.  The camp I was placed at was a camp for individuals of all ages who had severe mental and physical disabilities. My cabin was largely women, aged 30-50, who suffered from conditions ranging from schizophrenia to severe learning difficulties. As you can imagine, the summer was indeed a challenge but an extremely rewarding one.

My typical day consisted of assisting my campers in day to day tasks from getting dressed to showering and activities such as swimming, athletics and horse riding.  I also taught ceramics followed by an evening activity such as a disco. It was so much fun and every day posed new challenges and learning curves. The great thing about the summer was that not only was I spending it in America and making new friends, I was also doing something that gave me such amazing transferable skills. Although the summer was a challenge, it was a fantastic experience, which has since helped land me placements as well as a job!

photo4Once my time at camp ended, my VISA allowed me time to travel the USA! Having made new friends at camp, we travelled all over America from New York to Miami and then decided, during a hurricane, that we would take a cruise to the Bahamas. All paid for with my summer earnings, meaning, that the summer paid for itself. I was back in time to have a while at home, in England, before returning to Loughborough for another year to commence, with the most amazing summer and lifetime experience behind me.

I would definitely recommend anyone to make the most of their summer and gain skills and memories that will stay with them for life. For more information, check out:


Bringing Careers and Employers to Researchers Event

Wednesday 16 April 2014, 5pm – 8pm

James France Exhibition Area

This is a great opportunity for you to meet with employers who are actively seeking to recruit people with the high level skills you’ve gained from conducting research. The event includes presentations from employers representing a range of sectors along with question and answer sessions and the opportunity to network with employers, alumni and recruiters.  A light buffet will be provided.

The line-up of employers for this event are now confirmed as –Tessella (who predominantly employ PhD graduates), Frazer Nash, Far-UK, and IBM

Delegates who have previously attended have been offered employment as a result of meeting employers at this event.  Many more delegates identified employers of interest; this encouraged them to fine tune their CVs and submit applications.

Event feedback:

  • 96% of respondents to delegate feedback found the event “very useful” or “useful”
  • 82% of respondents said they would attend future events like this
  •  “Range and enthusiasm [of students] best seen at any careers event” (employer comment)

Reserve your place to meet employers on Wednesday 16 April via the Careers and Employability Centre’s online booking system

Fashion careers

Please find an interview below with Simon Chilvers, Men’s Style Director at Simon talks about the possibilities of getting into fashion and gives advice as to what people in the industry are looking for.

MATCHESFASHION.COM is a designer boutique with a strong international online presence which offers internship opportunities all year round

matchesstaff_0571 (2)Why did you decide to work in the fashion industry?

I’d always loved music and clothes while growing up but it was while studying History of Modern Art, Design and Film at university that the penny finally dropped that I might be able to work for one of the many magazines I loved. So, I moved to London, did a Masters at London College of Fashion and started doing work experience at places, such as The Guardian and Vogue. I then developed my CV and built up both freelance writing and styling work before taking a full time role as Assistant Fashion Editor at the Guardian where I worked for four years – here I had the opportunity to report from fashion week, style shoots and write features. Working in fashion allows you to be creative in many different ways – this was always the pull of working in the industry for me.

What does a typical day for you look like at

What I love about my job is that there is no typical day. One day I might be shooting an editorial shoot in a studio in London or on location in Paris. The next I’ll be interviewing a designer or writing a trend feature. I go to the fashion shows to get inspiration for shoots for both our digital and print magazine, which is always exciting. I also work closely with the studio who style all the clothes for the online store. Then there are work events to plan, sales meetings to attend, working with the buyers and PR team on launches. It really is a brilliant mixed bag.

How can applicants make sure they stand out from the crowd? 

I think the best way to stand out from the crowd is just to be yourself. Look prepared – as in, if you’ve got an interview or a work placement, you need to turn up and demonstrate straight off that you’ve done some research and know the organisation/ magazine you’re there to work for/interview for.

What key skills do you need to get into fashion?

Initially you need to be patient and prepared to graft hard – getting your foot in the door is the biggest trick so you need to impress people with a brilliant attitude. You obviously need to have a good visual understanding and a creative streak but equally you need to be be good with people – in fashion, it’s often about teamwork, especially on shoots and in office based roles. You also need to be able to juggle lots of different things at the same time – fashion moves fast and you need to be able to keep up with the pace.

Do you have any motivational words for students aspiring to make it in this very competitive industry?

Drive. Stamina. Ideas. To get into the industry, work really hard, do the groundwork, take on every opportunity that is offered, be open-minded and go the extra mile. Have lots of ideas – all the time. Soak up culture – art shows, film, museums, magazines, books. Set yourself mini goals. Get a blog. Experiment. Read.

PwC Oil & Gas Talent Academy – 23rd – 25th June

Don’t miss this opportunity to gain a unique insight into the Oil and Gas industry at PwC

Open to all undergraduates and lasting three days, this programme will give your career a jump start. It offers a unique insight into the Oil and Gas industry that you’ll struggle to find elsewhere, with the potential to secure a place on our summer internship programme, undergraduate work placement or a graduate position the following year in our Aberdeen office.

Our Oil & Gas Talent Academy is a three-day residential course designed to help develop your overall business awareness in the oil, gas and energy sectors, as well as giving you an opportunity to get a taste of what it’s like to work at PwC.

Continue reading

GoThinkBig Birmingham Session 28th March 2014

Are you interested in Music, Fashion, Sport, or Entertainment? Want to know more about jobs and careers within these competitive industries? Then you should DEFINITELY come to a GoThinkBig Session in 2014.

The Sessions are GoThinkBig’s flagship events. We bring the most amazing speakers from fantastic industries to a city near you. Experts from music, fashion, sport and entertainment (Journalism/TV/Film/Radio) will be talking about how they got their first big breaks. Find out who has been announced so far!

The Sessions are coming to a city near you this year – our first event is on 28 March in Birmingham in partnership with Punch Records. You’ll get the opportunity to hear all about different aspects of these four industries, the behind the scenes jobs that you’ve never thought of, and exactly what these jobs involve.As well as this, the experts will take you through exactly how they got into the industry and where they think the future jobs of their industry will be.

At the end of the event you’ll go away with an exclusive insight into these different competitive industries, an understanding of different roles that exist, expert advice, and loads of new ideas

Click here for details

How to get hired Live at Wembley Stadium on 22nd April

How to get hired Live is a unique event for UK university students where they will join over 150 graduate recruiters for a day of networking and essential how to get hired advice from industry leaders and employers.

The line-up includes:

  • Lorraine Connell, Managing Director, UK Investment Banking at Barclays
  • Eleanor Radbourne, Director Core Capability Engineering & Operations at Rolls-Royce
  • Matthew Berry, Resourcing Director at Centrica
  • Charles Hardy, Education Evangelist at LinkedIn
  • Laura Yeates, Graduate Recruitment & Development Manager at the global law firm Clifford Chance

Tickets cost £19.95. This includes lunch, refreshments and networking drinks.

Rufus Leonard internship 2014

RAW is Rufus Leonard’s unique internship, bringing together a team of raw talent for the summer

Rufus Leonard is one of London’s largest independent digital creative agencies.
We design and build innovative platforms, services and experiences for brands like British Gas, Lloyds Bank and Williams F1.

Over 12 weeks, our RAW interns will be exposed to every aspect of agency life. Supported by dedicated mentors, you’ll work as a team within the agency, delivering real projects with real deadlines.

We’re looking for five brilliant minds from a range of disciplines – we want coders, designers, copywriters, UX, web developers, account managers, information architects, animators and more.

RAW is open to everyone – graduates, non-graduates – everyone. We’re looking for talent, energy, enthusiasm and ideas, and in return we promise not to ask you to make tea, or to ‘shadow’ someone for three months!

If you’ve got RAW talent, and you are looking for a challenge, we want to hear from you.

For further details go

Workshop day: 16th May 2014
30 shortlisted applicants will be invited to a one-day workshop where the final 5 will be chosen. The shortlisted applicants will be notified by the 2nd May.

Internship: 7th July – 26th September
We’ll offer a minimum-wage salary while you’re with us.

Careers open day at HR Wallingford

Wednesday 2 April 2014, Wallingford, Oxfordshire
9.30 to 16.00, refreshments and lunch provided.

HR Wallingford is an independent research and consultancy organisation specialising in civil engineering and environmental hydraulics. With a world-class staff and an international reputation for innovation and technical excellence, we’re
always looking for exceptional candidates to enhance our existing teams.

Are you a postgraduate or graduate student in a relevant engineering or scientific discipline? We’d like to invite you to come to an Open Day at our Howbery Park campus to find out more about what we do. As well as hearing about some of our recent research and consultancy projects, we’ll show you around our unique facilities. You’ll get to meet some of our most recent recruits and learn about their experiences since joining HR Wallingford

We have a limited number of places available. Please contact Sarah Moxon at HR Wallingford (, tel 01491 822364) by Wednesday 26 March 2014 to book your place.