Beware of hoax job offers

Although a job offer might be the news you’ve been desperately waiting for, beware, it might be a scam!  As another recent bbc news article outlines, job seekers are vulnerable to scams.  You could be conned out of money, not be paid for work you’ve done, become a victim of identity theft or be tricked into criminal activities.

Whilst we are able to advise some of the students and graduates we see each year on the perils of hoax job offers, many more may be unwittingly getting scammed. Don’t let that happen to you!

Criminals trawl CV posting sites looking for easy prey so beware of random, unsolicited emails offering you work.  Scammers post bogus job adverts all over the web so be wary about applying to jobs on web  sites where the information is not vetted, like Gumtree for example. So, if you want to upload your CV online make sure you do not include any information that could be used for identity theft, address or DOB etc.

Here are some tips if the job advert/offer:

  • sounds too good to be true? Then it probably is..
  • has an application process of calling a premium number? Be very wary..
  • directs you to other sites, companies or numbers than the ones on the advert? Then it could be a cover up for a bad reputation or a scam..
  • is a scheme where you make money by signing up new members? Avoid..

So, ask questions, do not sign anything before you’re sure and it’s been checked out, do not part with money until you know exactly what you are getting and, during the initial application, do not provide bank or financial information, passport or anything similar.

Remember, you can always ask the Careers and Employability Centre for a second opinion.  If you think you have been the victim of a scam, report it so that the police and/or the Office of Fair Trading can try to prevent it happening to other people.

CII (Chartered Insurance Institute) will be on campus

CII (Chartered Insurance Institute) will be on campus for a Discover Fortunes event on Wednesday 6th March!

This will be an interactive session, providing an insight into wealth management and financial planning as a career choice!

When: Weds 6th March 1:30pm – 3:00pm

Where: Room K105 Manzoni Building

To confirm your place email with your name, degree title and year of graduation.

Don’t forget you can add this to your CV and it will gain you points on the Loughborough Employability Award!

Like us on Facebook! ‘Loughborough Bright Futures Society’ 

An opportunity to practice employer assessment tests

Don’t miss this opportunity to participate in a free trial of employer assessment tests AND the chance to win a £50 voucher! Trial ends on Wednesday 13th March.

Criterion Partnership is an occupational psychology consultancy and test publisher, specialising in:

  • online assessment
  • psychometrics
  • assessment and selection
  • learning and development
  • organisational development and change.

For a limited time only they are offering the opportunity to trial some new verbal and numerical psychometric tests which will feature in their Utopia testing series used by many of their clients to recruit and assess their staff.

Click here for more information and instructions on how to take the tests.

Careers & Employability Centre Market Research Project Assistant

Job Purpose

To design, conduct and analyse an evaluation of the labour market in Loughborough and Charnwood. To produce a well-researched, accurate report on the range of job vacancies and skills sought by employers in Charnwood, and their views of the  availability of skills in the local labour market.

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Would you like a mentor who works in the financial industry?

NCORUS has been set up by a Loughborough graduate now working in the banking sector to help current second year students.

Are you thinking about a career in finance, accountancy or banking? Would you like to know more about the specific roles in financial institutions which you could be applying for in the next 12 months? Would you like your own dedicated mentor who has successfully completed a graduate scheme and is now in full time employment? Ncorus can help.

Ncorus is a free, newly built mentoring platform designed specifically to bridge the gap between students and professionals. Once accepted on to our scheme, we pair you with a mentor who has already experienced everything you are about to embark on in your career. They can act as a soundboard for everything from selecting the right institution to helping you with different interview techniques. And what’s better, we’ll seek to pair you with someone who is in your desired field and so will have very specific knowledge of the graduate schemes and roles you are aiming to be hired into!

We have mentors from some of the world’s top businesses ready to work with you towards sealing your dream job. If you are ambitious, determined and have a genuine desire to succeed we’d love to hear from you.

The application process is quick and simple and can be done entirely through our website.

Visit to read more about the scheme and sign up today!

Note: The deadline for applications is 28th February 2013. However we only have capacity for a certain number of mentees, so don’t hold back and ensure you complete your application as soon as possible!

Teach First

The application deadline for Teach First’s Leadership Development Programme is 20th March 2013. Many subjects have now closed and subjects are continuing to close on a rolling basis. Any final year students interested in applying should start applications ASAP. This will be of particular interest to final year STEM students.

Secondly, our deadline for Teach First Insight is 24th February 2013. Students in their penultimate year from a STEM background should apply for an insight into Teach First through a summer internship. They will automatically earn a place at our Assessment Centre for the Teach First Leadership Development Programme. See here for more details.

Thirdly, applications for Teach First Brand Manager positions are now open. This is an opportunity for students who will be at Loughborough next year to raise awareness of Teach First and gain qualifications in marketing whilst being paid. Hours are flexible and part-time. All Brand Managers will gain an automatic place on the Assessment Centre for the Teach First Leadership Development Programme. See here for more details.

CIMA global business challenge

The CIMA global business challenge is an international business competition designed to bring out the best in the young business leaders of tomorrow. This is a great opportunity for students around the world to showcase their talent in business management.  Find out more about how the challenge works

CIMA, the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, is the world’s largest professional body of management accountants, with 203,000 members and students operating at the heart of business in 173 countries. CIMA works closely with employers and sponsors leading-edge research, constantly updating its qualification, professional experience requirements and continuing professional development. By developing financially qualified business leaders CIMA is the most relevant international accountancy qualification for business.

Chartered Global Management Accountant (CGMA)

Two of the world’s most prestigious accounting bodies, AICPA and CIMA, have formed a joint-venture to establish the Chartered Global Management Accountant (CGMA) designation to elevate the profession of management accounting. The designation recognizes the most talented and committed management accountants with the discipline and skill to drive strong business performance. See for more information

CIMA Flyer