INITIALS Marketing kicks off graduate work experience scheme



Once again INITIALS Marketing is giving five lucky graduates the chance to join The Class of INITIALS, after the successful launch of the initiative last year. The Class of INITIALS is a work experience scheme that offers selected candidates a four week hands-on placement within the agency as well as the potential opportunity of full-time employment for the most outstanding student.

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Sport Academies – job vacancies

If you’re a coach, if you inspire children and you want to earn some good money coaching at the best venues in the UK this summer, then come and work for Sport Academies.

There are loads of kids camps taking place throughout the UK this summer with one bound to be near you. So if you’re an talented coach then we want to hear from you!

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Student Volunteering role

CLIC Sargent is looking for students to represent their university by becoming a ‘Student Big Wig’ and help promote Wig Wednesday.

They need Student Big Wigs to use their great networking skills to get the word out around campus about Wig Wednesday (on 22nd May), encouraging as many people as possible to get their wig on for the day. By doing so you will help raise vital funds for children and young people with cancer.

Wig Wednesday Student Big Wig Volunteering Role


The British Council  are looking for people who ……….

  • want an experience of a lifetime?
  • want to spend 8 weeks in Thailand?
  • want to help and develop Thai students?
  • want to gain valuable international work experience?
  • want to experience Thai culture first hand?
  • want to develop introductory skills for teaching English?
  • want to enhance their employability in the UK and overseas?
  • are flexible and able to adapt quickly to new environments

If you fit the bill, and can commit to spending 8 weeks in Thailand this summer from 15th July to 6th September have a look here


SEO London, in partnership with Creative Access and Channel 4, is delighted to confirm details of two exciting education and networking sessions at CHANNEL 4’s HQ on April 17th and April 29th. The events will be a fantastic opportunity to both meet some of the most senior figures in a wide range of creative industries and also learn more about the 200+ paid internship and graduate roles that will be available through the scheme in 2013-14. If you are interested in attending, or know of people who may be, please read on.

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Beware of hoax job offers

Although a job offer might be the news you’ve been desperately waiting for, beware, it might be a scam!  As another recent bbc news article outlines, job seekers are vulnerable to scams.  You could be conned out of money, not be paid for work you’ve done, become a victim of identity theft or be tricked into criminal activities.

Whilst we are able to advise some of the students and graduates we see each year on the perils of hoax job offers, many more may be unwittingly getting scammed. Don’t let that happen to you!

Criminals trawl CV posting sites looking for easy prey so beware of random, unsolicited emails offering you work.  Scammers post bogus job adverts all over the web so be wary about applying to jobs on web  sites where the information is not vetted, like Gumtree for example. So, if you want to upload your CV online make sure you do not include any information that could be used for identity theft, address or DOB etc.

Here are some tips if the job advert/offer:

  • sounds too good to be true? Then it probably is..
  • has an application process of calling a premium number? Be very wary..
  • directs you to other sites, companies or numbers than the ones on the advert? Then it could be a cover up for a bad reputation or a scam..
  • is a scheme where you make money by signing up new members? Avoid..

So, ask questions, do not sign anything before you’re sure and it’s been checked out, do not part with money until you know exactly what you are getting and, during the initial application, do not provide bank or financial information, passport or anything similar.

Remember, you can always ask the Careers and Employability Centre for a second opinion.  If you think you have been the victim of a scam, report it so that the police and/or the Office of Fair Trading can try to prevent it happening to other people.