Twitter-based voting in Powerpoint

Following on from my last blog post on Quick Wins, there’s been quite a lot of interest in the use of Twitter in the teaching room. I’ve started using and telling colleagues about the free Powerpoint Twitter tools developed by Timo Elliott from SAP. You can download these from . The tools are embeddedRead more

Quick Wins

Academic colleagues are under such pressure from all quarters these days that it’s hardly surprising many find it difficult to invest time in learning how to use new technologies in their teaching. That said, there are plenty of ‘quick wins’ out there – tools and techniques you can try out relatively easily, without adding toRead more

Using Turnitin formatively

Dr Gregory James is a Lecturer in Economics within the School of Business and Economics. He has been a Turnitin user for several years now and describes here his experience of using it formativly. My own personal approach to dealing with plagiarism in my teaching practice and strengthening my students’ academic writing skills is focused on:Read more

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