LUDT funding opportunity

The Loughborough University Development Trust (LUDT) have recently put out their annual call for funding applications. Fuller details are available on the Lboro Noticeboard but, as that posting says, the “Loughborough Fund exists to provide support for projects that enhance the student experience. You can submit a bid for up to £5,000 at any time, and bids submitted by 21st October will be considered at the Trustees’ meeting in December.”
Support has been received for a number of Teaching Centre projects in recent years including:
- the continuing development of induction resources for new students coming to Loughborough – see Essential Induction Information 2009, subsequently mainstreamed as Essential Induction Information and operating in conjunction with Academic Registry’s Welcome to Loughborough resources; and
- the on-going creation of materials to support students and student representatives – see Loughborough Student Charter, 2011-2012, subsequently mainstreamed as the outward-facing Loughborough Student Charter, 2012-2013 resources, and the development of a supporting Learn module entitled Loughborough Student Charter
Initial funding for these resources came through the LUDT. You can read more about this fund, including how to submit a bid, via the Development and Alumni Relations Office website