Teaching Innovation Awards showcase 6th Dec 2013

Lego Mindstorms image, by VetalruCC-BY-SA-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
Friday 6th December 2013 12:00pm – 1:45pm BE.0.53 (in School of Business and Economics)
Loughborough Teaching Awards recognise, celebrate and promote excellence in learning and teaching. At this showcase event, recipients of Teaching Innovation Awards 2012 share their findings to benefit other teaching staff and learning support staff at Loughborough. This cross-disciplinary event provides an introduction to the Teaching Innovation Awards from the recipients themselves, an opportunity to learn from innovative practices resulting from the awards and a chance to find inspiration from colleagues.
This year’s event has a new, shorter format. Following an introduction by Professor Morag Bell (PVC(T)), each recipient will give a 5 minute overview of their project. There will then be a buffet lunch and the opportunity for informal networking and discussions with the award winners.
The 2012 award recipients came from a wide range of academic schools/departments and support services across the University. Their varied projects included the following topics:
– Student Buddies: Developing a Sustainable Peer-Mentoring Scheme in Politics, History and International Relations
– Lego-based learning initiative for systems design and ergonomics teaching – efficiencies in teaching through the use of technology (Lego Mindstorms NXT: programmable robotics kit)
– Linking the local to the international: embedding oral history and eyewitness accounts into the curriculum
– Electronic Group Logbooks for Design Students: Creating Efficiencies in the Assessment of Visual Coursework
– E-Qual: Developing a reusable e-learning object for efficient teaching of qualitative coding
– Using Learn Wikis for discussion and development of multifaceted topics by a large enrolment class.
– Transferable technology and interactive and learner-centred activities in the History programmes
To find out more about the Teaching Innovation Awards, visit: http://www.lboro.ac.uk/services/teachingcentre/procedures-schemes/teachingawards/teachinginnovationawards/
For more information about this showcase event, please contact Dr Katryna Kalawsky (k.e.a.kalawsky@lboro.ac.uk).
Bookings should be made through http://my.hr.lboro.ac.uk .
Note that the event starts at midday, not 12.15 as previously indicated.