Defining and developing your approach to employability

Yvonne Hamblin (Employability Development Manager, Careers and Employability Centre), who inter alia manages the Loughborough Employability Award, has drawn our attention to a recent Higher Education Academy (HEA) publication entitled Defining and developing your approach to employability: a framework for higher education institutions by Doug Cole and Maureen Tibby.
As the Association of Graduate Careers and Advisory Services (AGCAS) reports: “This framework for employability has been developed following a summit delivered by the Higher Education Academy (HEA) and the National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement (NCCPE). It provides a process for reflecting on and addressing employability provision in a systematic and holistic manner and can be adapted and used as appropriate. It seeks to stimulate and facilitate discussion and offer support to those addressing the challenge of embedding employability and engaging colleagues and stakeholders with this process. As employability is a university-wide responsibility, this resource has been designed to engage a diverse range of people and is deliberately concise to promote accessibility and encourage ownership and use.” Click here for more details.