Research-Informed Teaching Awards 2014

The annual Research-Informed Teaching Awards have now been made for 2014. There was considerable interest from across the University and the panel, chaired by the PVC (Teaching), including three ADTs and representatives from the Teaching Centre has made three awards.
The award winners are:
Jo Bullard, Professor of Physical Geography, Department of Geography, who is developing innovative ways of using external data from NASA to help develop her students as researchers. The panel commended Jo on the high quality of her teaching and research and the way in which she helps students to engage.
Dr Marcus Collins, Senior Lecturer in Cultural History, Department of Politics, History and International Relations, who is developing a national reputation for the impact he is having on student learning. His work was also commended by the panel for the way his research informed his teaching and encouraged students to develop themselves as engaged researchers.
Malcolm Cook, Professor of Building Performance Analysis, School of Civil & Building Engineering, who is fostering student engagement, especially through his use of relevant and appropriate case studies. His work was commended by the panel for the way it helped students engage in a variety of ways which were appropriate to their industry and encouraged them to develop as researchers.
As in previous years, the winners will be presented with their award at a degree ceremony this summer. We congratulate them on their achievements.