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  There has been strong media interest this morning in the news of the Futurelearn consortium led by the OU. JISC have now put out a press release on the subject. JISC welcomes the launch of Futurelearn  JISC welcomes the announcement by the Open University today to bring together a range of free, open, online coursesRead more


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  There has been strong media interest this morning in the news of the Futurelearn consortium led by the OU. JISC have now put out a press release on the subject. JISC welcomes the launch of Futurelearn  JISC welcomes the announcement by the Open University today to bring together a range of free, open, online coursesRead more

Have we hit 'Peak Higher Education'?

  Most of us are familiar with the concept of ‘Peak Oil’, where the rate of oil production peaks and thereafter enters terminal decline, but what about the case for ‘Peak Higher Education’? The outcomes of a recent report, Global Changes in Tuition Fee Policies and Student Assistance by Canadian-based consultants Higher Education Strategy Associates,Read more

Implications of 'Dimensions of quality' in a market environment

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Graham Gibbs has followed up his Dimensions of quality (York: HEA, 2010) with a new report entitled Implications of ‘Dimensions of quality’ in a market environment (York: HEA, 2012) which has just become available. In doing so, he presents a considered and constructively critical assessment of current pressures, policies and practices at Higher Education institutions acrossRead more

A multi-dimensional student experience

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The 1994 Group recently published a report entitled A multi-dimensional student experience. It summarises discussions which took place earlier this year within the 1994 Group’s Policy Forum 2012, and outlines issues and ideas that it says “need to be explored by institutions and policy makers alike to ensure truly immersive student experiences that begin well before applications are made and extendRead more

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