How do students find out about the NSS?

  The National Student Survey (NSS) questionnaire includes an optional question for respondents completing the survey online, asking how they found out about the NSS. Of those students who responded to the question in 2012: 42% said that they were told about the survey by a lecturer/member of staff 35% had followed a link forwardedRead more

National Student Survey 2013

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The National Student Survey (NSS) 2013 recently opened, and Loughborough final year undergraduate students are being invited to complete the form available online through the National Student Survey website. As the University’s Finalists, speak up – NSS 2013 site makes clear to our students, the form (1) is quick and easy to complete; (2) it is supported byRead more

Making it count

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The Higher Education Academy has just published a report entitled Making it count: Reflecting on the National Student Survey in the process of enhancement. As the HEA says, this report “provides suggestions and reflections on the role that the NSS can play in the enhancement of learning and teaching”, and argues that it is often overlooked as an enhancementRead more

National Student Survey Discipline Reports

The Higher Education Academy has been publishing discipline specific reports during the course of this year based upon National Student Survey data. In addition to reports published in the late spring on STEM and Health Sciences subjects such as Engineering and Mathematics, a new set of reports for Arts and Humanities subjects such as English andRead more

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