ReVIEW Live!

It might sound like an oxymoron but I can now announce an exciting new feature of our lecture capture service – ReVIEW Live! In six of the teaching rooms equipped with the latest generation ‘SafeCaptureHD’ capture appliances we’re now able to offer simultaneous capture and live streaming of lectures / presentations, with both the presenter andRead more

More on BoB and Twitter…

Historian Dr Marcus Collins is another ‘early adopter’ of the BoB (Box of Broadcasts) service and, as with his colleague Prof Chris Szejnmann, he has been combining it with Twitter in the classroom. He comments: I’m also a great fan of both BoB and Twitter. So far, I’ve been using both in just one module:Read more

BoB and Twitter… together

Prof Chris Szejnmann, who features regularly in case studies on this blog, has been trialling a combination of learning technologies in the last few weeks on one of his History modules. BoB (Box of Broadcasts) has been particularly useful for him as it has so much valuable source material for use in the teaching room.Read more

Embedding or linking to programmes on BoB

Since we started publicising the availability of the BoB (Box of Broadcasts) service, colleagues have been asking how to include programmes or clips in their module pages on Learn (Moodle). For the moment, the ’embed clip’ feature in BoB is not fully compatible with Learn (it’s currently only working in Firefox) BUT this is not reallyRead more

BoB's your uncle (2)

Following my previous post on the BoB (Box of Broadcasts) service, I can now confirm that the service is live and available for staff to use to enhance their teaching. The response from the first colleagues I’ve shown it to has been fantastic – one senior academic said it would ‘transform his teaching’.   In order toRead more

BoB's your uncle

We’ve just learned that the Library has had budget approval to subscribe to the BoB Box of Broadcasts service, which is great news for any academic colleagues interested in using TV and radio programmes (or excerpts thereof) to support their teaching. Think of it as an academic iPlayer or Sky Plus box, that allows you toRead more

Next ViTAL webinar (Video in Teaching and Learning)

 The ViTAL (Video in Teaching and Learning) group are holding their next webinar on Wednesday 6th June. Details below. There have been a number of ViTAL webinars this year, focusing on lecture capture, and they’ve been well worth (virtually) attending. Video and OER/OEP (Open Educational Resources and Practices)  Date: Wednesday 6 June Time: 13:00 – 14:00Read more

Swivl in the teaching room

Update to initial review posted on April 24th: as I type, our first academic user of the Swivl tracking system, Prof Chris Szejnmann, Professor of Modern History, is using the Swivl in conjunction with a Zoom Q3HD pocket camcorder (which we highly recommend for its unmatched audio recording quality) to capture a seminar. To the bestRead more

Swivl 'personal cameraman' – first UK impressions

Our new Swivl presenter tracking system arrived yesterday, to great excitement in this office (well, from me anyway!) Judging by the fact that a Google search brings up no other UK reviews yet, I’m guessing this is probably one of the first in the country – unsurprising as Satarii, makers of the device, are onlyRead more

Loan equipment

Quick reminder to colleagues that we have a range of equipment available for loan / testing, including: – 13 x mini camcorder kits (pictured) – 13 x audio recorders, including some capable of high quality recordings – ‘Instant web conferencing’ kit – Two different types of ‘smartpen’: Papershow and Livescribe – Portable document camera GetRead more

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