eAssessment Event

eAssessment Scotland are holding their annual eAssessment themed day event on 23rd August 2013. The day programme looks really good and varied and if the conference was held a little closer to home I would go without hesitation. But, unfortunately for me, it’s not. So I will have to make do with registering for theRead more

My Vote Goes To…

Since the demise of the twitter-based voting tool in PowerPoint, we have been on the lookout for alternative web-based voting tools with similar functionality. My colleague has already mentioned one alternative, Socrative in an earlier post and a recent discussion on the ALT mailing list has thrown up a couple of other contenders, which IRead more

Tablets in Learning and Teaching: MELSIG event 6th Sept

Smart Devices for Learning #2: using smartphones, tablets and apps to enhance learning Host: University of Huddersfield, for MELSIG (Media-Enhanced Learning Special Interest Group) Date: Friday 6th September 2013 Description: Building on the interest and success of the first MELSIG smart device special focus event in February, academics, educational developers and learning technologists will haveRead more

Tablets in Learning and Teaching: project at Huddersfield

We’re not the only institution running a project looking at the use of tablets by academics. A colleague forwarded to me details of the BERA-funded BJET iPad project at the University of Huddersfield, run by Olaojo Aiyegbayo from the University’s Teaching and Learning Institute. This is interesting for a number of reasons, not least becauseRead more

Tablets in Learning and Teaching: more on AirServer

We’ve been doing more testing with the ‘AirServer’ mirroring application for iPad and iPhone, this time with paid-for licences rather than the free trial! An educational licence is only $11.99, and actually covers 3 PCs, so it doesn’t really break the bank. Here are some of the things we’ve found: – It doesn’t matter whetherRead more

MOOCs on BoB

…or, if learning technology acronyms are not your cup of tea, Massive Open Online Courses on Box of Broadcasts. @bufvc_bob has tweeted a link to the last edition of the Radio 4 Zeitgeisters series (requires login) on BoB, in which Will Gompertz meets cultural entrepreneurs shaping our lives. Here Will talks to Daphne Koller and AndrewRead more

BoB upgrade

Further to my earlier post on BoB this morning: BoB is being relaunched in October with some significant improvements. These include: access to more than 800,000 new BBC TV and radio programmes, dating from 2007, from the BBC archive an additional 13 foreign language channels an extended recording buffer – giving you more channels, availableRead more

BoB: did it deliver?

We’ve now come to the end of the first academic year in which the University has subscribed to BoB (Box of Broadcasts) and I think I can reasonably sum up the experience by saying that it’s been one of the best learning technologies I’ve been involved in adopting / promoting. The response from academic colleaguesRead more

Lecture capture – student perspective

The second keynote presentation at our recent lecture capture conference was given by Lazar Zindovic, the outgoing VP Education of the Loughborough Students’ Union. Laz, who has been an enthusiastic and vocal advocate of lecture capture during his year in office, talked about the student perspective on this particular learning technology. Click to view theRead more

Lecture capture at UCL

We captured the keynote presentations at our lecture capture conference held here earlier in the month. Here’s the first keynote presentation delivered by Steve Rowett, who has been one of the key figures behind the large-scale rollout of lecture capture at UCL.Read more

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