Assessment criteria initiative

Results from the National Student Survey indicate that assessment and feedback are key areas of concern for Loughborough University students. Specifically, students have commented on: lack of clear assessment criteria causing uncertainty about what is required when presenting work for assessment limited constructive feedback indicating areas for improvement. As part of the reponse to theseRead more

E-learning Showcase

Yes, it’s that time of year again – Christmas is on the way, and so is our annual E-learning Showcase. The date is now confirmed as Wednesday 1st February 2012 11.00am – 2.30pm, this time in a new venue – the Keith Green Building, home of the Centre for Engineering and Design Education. The themeRead more

The Collaborate Roadmap

Today’s webinar from BlackBoard Collaborate gave some detail on the plans for the Collaborate platform over the next few years. New features promised on the roadmap: “In the next few months” – the UK will get its own Collaborate servers. This should mean greatly reduced audio and video latency, and probably a more reliable service.Read more

Loughborough Student Charter, 2011-2012 – new website

The Loughborough Student Charter, 2011-2012, was created earlier this year with the input of staff, students and student representatives from across campus. Signed by both Prof Shirley Pearce, the Vice Chancellor, and Rebecca Bridger, the Loughborough Students’ Union President, this document exemplifies the sense of partnership that exists here at Loughborough University. In addition toRead more

NUS Charter on Technology in Higher Education

The NUS have produced a new Charter on Technology in Higher Education which follows on from their report into student perspectives on the use of ICT commissioned by the HEFCE Online Learning Taskforce (see previous post). The Charter was presented by Emily-Ann Nash from the NUS at the Future of Technology in Education 2011 conference atRead more

New ‘Information for Academic and Personal Tutors’ web resource

The Teaching Centre has been actively seeking to create and provide resources to support staff involved in the academic and/or personal tutoring process. A set of frequently asked questions has now been posted at and includes answers to common queries such as “What is the University’s advice on Personal Tutoring?”, “What support is there for youRead more

Assessing Creativity and High Order Thinking Skills with High Reliability

Traditional marking of students’ work struggles to assess creativity and high-order thinking skills reliably. A recent technological innovation, called Adaptive Comparative Judgement (ACJ), potentially offers a solution to this. ACJ is based not on atomistic mark schemes but on holistic expert judgements of pairs of students’ work. The outcomes of many such pairings are usedRead more

TurnItIn UK User Group

Manchester, 21/9/11 This was attended by 91 users, many from UK HE, but including schools, colleges and exam boards. A straw poll indicated a roughly 50:50 split between those institutions using Originality Checking as a formative tool for the iterative refinement of coursework (mainly new universities and colleges) and those using it as a summativeRead more

101 Uses for Lecture Capture: #57 Pre-Arrival Advice

As the availability of the ReVIEW automated lecture capture service increases to cover the whole campus, new applications are being found, by support services as well as academic colleagues. The International Office have started to use ReVIEW (and the Blackboard Collaborate web conferencing service) in interesting ways, supporting their network of agents as well asRead more

Library Showcase 2011

Today the Library is hosting its first Showcase event aimed at staff, with a range of stands covering the many services the Library itself provides as well as other support departments across campus that support research and teaching. These include the Careers & Employability Centre, Centre for Engineering and Design Education, Facilities Management, Imago, ITRead more

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