JISC Digital Media Online Surgeries 2011
Those colleagues who are thinking about using Elluminate in their teaching may be interested in a series of JISC Digital media events over the next month:
‘Screencasting allows you to capture what you are doing on your computer and package this screen capture as an effective and accessible learning resource. Especially in online and distance learning screencasts containing slides, onscreen examples and an audio track covering the core lecture material can be more helpful for students as a way to reinforce the classroom experience and allow them to move at their own pace as they can pause and rewind.
19/01/11 The major technical issues surrounding screencasting
26/01/11 Considerations for screencasts as teaching and learning support resources
02/02/11 Using a screencast as a lecture capture tool
09/02/12 Using a screencast to provide feedback
To find out more or to join any or all of the online surgeries please go to www.jiscdigitalmedia.ac.uk/surgery
Please contact training@jiscdigitalmedia.ac.uk with any questions’