Overview of UK higher education qualifications awarded in 2011/12
787,205 higher education qualifications were awarded by UK higher education institutions (HEIs) in 2011/12. Approximately half of these qualifications were first degrees, one third were postgraduate qualifications and one sixth were other undergraduate qualifications (such as foundation degrees, credits and diplomas of higher education).
39% of all qualifications were awarded in science subjects, although 64% of postgraduate research qualifications were for science.
Roughly the same number of science first degrees were awarded to women and men. In other subjects 58% more first degrees were awarded to women than to men. Nearly half (47%) of taught postgraduate qualifications were awarded to non-UK domicile students.
The graphic below demonstrates the breakdown of qualifications awarded by level, subject, domicile and gender.
More detail can be found in the report from HESA, Students in Higher Education Institutions 2011/12, including comprehensive data on students and qualifiers broken down by demographic and course characteristics