Loughborough Student Charter, 2012-2013

The Loughborough Student Charter, now in its second year, is increasingly establishing itself in the consciousness of staff and students across campus. Signed by both Prof Bob Allison (Vice Chancellor) and Ellie Read (LSU President), this document exemplifies the nature of the academic community that exists here at Loughborough University.
In addition to being made available to new students in leaflet form at induction, and as well as being displayed in posters and posterboards across campus, this document remains readily accessible online at www.lboro.ac.uk/students/charter. It is also increasingly being discussed in SSLCs, as well as in other forums, as part of a process that sees its words reflected in actions.
After Easter, and in a window running from April 15th to May 17th, we will be asking people across campus to provide feedback on the current version so that it can be reviewed and updated in time for its third iteration next academic year. Why not join us in this endeavour?
Your feedback should ideally be directed to either Dr Maurice FitzGerald (Quality Enhancement Officer, Teaching Centre) – email m.fitzgerald@lboro.ac.uk – or to Lazar Zindovic, LSU Vice President (Education), Loughborough Students’ Union – email vpeducation@lufbra.net – so that it can be considered at Learning and Teaching Committee in the early summer.
This resource was funded through the Loughborough University Development Trust. The Trust exists to support the University in giving students an outstanding quality of educational experience. It raises funds from former students and other friends of the University. Their generosity has made this support possible.