HEA Workshop and Seminar Series – funding available

In support of its 2013-14 workshop and seminar series, the Higher Education Academy (HEA) has issued calls regarding STEM, Social Sciences, and Arts and Humanities subjects, as well as opening up a theme-based stream.
The HEA wishes to cover a number of areas (see below), and a grant of £750 is available to support each workshop/seminar, with the deadline for submissions set for 31 July 2013. Further information is available at http://www.heacademy.ac.uk/seminar-series
- improving the employability skills of STEM graduates;
- innovative approaches to teaching and assessing large classes;
- giving effective feedback to students;
- growing diversity in the student population;
- practices in peer mentoring;
- impact of information technology in learning and teaching;
- students as partners;
- enhancing lab skills.
Social Sciences
- teaching research methods in the Social Sciences;
- active and experiential learning in the Social Sciences;
- employability and global citizenship.
Arts and Humanities
- interculturalism, global citizenship and the Arts and Humanities;
- creativity, innovation, professional practice and the Arts and Humanities;
- interdisciplinarity and the Arts and Humanities.
thematic focused
- employability;
- education for sustainable development (ESD);
- internationalisation;
- the Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR).