Loughborough Student Charter, 2013-2014

The Loughborough Student Charter, 2013-2014, is the third edition of a resource which is updated annually by the University’s Learning and Teaching Committee in conjunction with staff, students and student representatives from across campus.
In addition to the leaflets, posters and posterboards that have just gone to print and which will be made available to colleagues in good time for the new academic year, a new resource has been developed to support this process – go to the dedicated Loughborough Student Charter – Learn module for more details. It is an intranet resource that will operate in conjunction with the main, and in some respects more outward-facing, Loughborough Student Charter, 2013-2014, webpage.
We look forward to staff, students and student representatives feeding back to us during the course of 2013-2014 with their ideas regarding how this resource might be disseminated, developed and further embedded. Following in the footsteps of Rebecca Bridger and Ellie Read, the incoming LSU president Josh Hurrell joins the Vice Chancellor, Prof Bob Allison, in symbolising this process across the coming academic year.