A student's thoughts on 'lashzone'

This July I graduated from University. It was a hard 3 years, although there were a lot of highs, the majority of lows would often be coursework related. So when I heard about this great site lashzone.com wasn’t I jumping for joy? I can make an enquiry, get a quote, send them my essay title and ‘tah dah’ an essay is produced! They even assure you that the essay will be written by an individual, no copy and paste! Oh, and they will refund you if you receive less than a B.
No I was not ecstatic at all the free time this could give me and all the top grades I could receive. In fact I was appalled and disheartened that people out there really do think you can just buy a degree.
There is far more to the past 3 years of my life than the grade on the certificate at the end. For example, the time reading through extensive journals, the hour it took to check my referencing at the end of every piece of coursework, the days hidden away in a group study room with peers working on our dissertations. Those are the things that made my degree genuine and worthwhile. University and a degree is a life experience with a very real academic base, it is not just a grade founded on a simple transaction. The fact that this site is still going (even expanding) shows that some must be using it. To think that I may have been sat alongside those that would simply pay for a completed essay makes me question why some go to University. In addition, the fact that someone could recieve not only a better grade than the honest and hard working but maybe eventually a higher wage and better graduate job, all by giving away their beer money feels ridiculous and highly unfair.