TurnItIn shifts focus
The September TurnItIn UK User Group meeting was hosted by Leeds Uni this year.
It followed the usual format of a position statement by the host, an overview of the development roadmap and case studies from users.
There are big changes under way at TurnItIn, in response to a massive increase in the demand for their services which have exposed weaknesses in their 10-year old systems. Such is the pace of change that a rolling upgrade programme will see all aspects of the service improved by Spring 2014. Amongst other things, the performance issues that affected some of our users in the summer should be fixed.
The expectation is that by 2016 GradeMark will have taken over from Originality Checking as the main part of the TurnItIn package, so the focus of the software is shifting from Originality Checking towards online marking, without losing any text-matching functionality.
It was good to note that Leeds’ policies on Plagiarism are closely aligned with our new Code of Practice (and what happens elsewhere e.g. Bristol and Cranfield).
For example their objectives are
1) To ensure equal vigour in the detection and treatment of plagiarism across all subjects and
2) To provide equal support for students in referencing study skills across all subjects. They have a standard Plagiarism Study Unit which all freshers take in their first semester as part of their tutorial activities.
Development Roadmap
As part of their upgrading effort, TurnItIn are recruiting development programmers in the UK, and we were asked to pass this on to anyone who may be interested in database development work in Newcastle.
- The TurnItIn iPad app has been well-received and has been updated several times since the initial release so if you are using it, please check for updates.
By Christmas 2013:
- Colour printing will added to the Document Viewer
- PowerPoint files will be accepted for Originality Checking
- Submission to TurnItIn from Goodle Docs or DropBox will be possible
Early 2014:
- GradeMark gets criterion-based marking without the complexity of a full rubric
Spring 2014:
- GradeMark will use overlays, which could be used for marking themes e.g. ‘marks for methodology’, ‘marks for analysis’ etc OR for individual tutors. Visibility of each layer can be controlled, so double-blind marking will be possible for the first time in any online marking tool.
The dates above carry the usual health warnings, of course!