Group work resources

Sometimes we need to be reminded of what we already have! A colleague was recently in touch regarding group work resources, and that set us to thinking. Indeed, it led us to conclude that there is a lot of good advice out there already from which we can draw.
For example, the Learnhigher Centre for Excellence in Teaching & Learning archive continues to function, and they have useful materials such as those regarding Learnhigher – Group Work. Indeed, the Teaching Centre continues to host Derek Blease’s seminal resource entitled Group and Team Work: A Guide for Staff on Learn, and we also deliver the Teaching Small Groups workshop in conjunction with Staff Development.
Obviously, it doesn’t stop there, indeed the Higher Education Academy (HEA) advice regarding Group Work (originally developed for use with international students), Jenny Moon’s HEA ESCalate (Education Subject Centre) publication entitled Making groups work, etc., are all worth considering as colleagues seek to develop student skills in terms of group work, individual responsibility, peer learning, communication skills, etc.