Your Education
I’m Becky your new Vice President of Education at the Students’ Union. I would like to start by saying hello and welcome to the new year. I’d like to introduce you to a basic idea of what ‘Your Education’ is this year and how I will be working alongside the Union and the University to improve the student academic experience.
Your Education this year will help to develop and improve the academic experience across schools and departments. This year we’re working closely with the library, careers, marketing and each individual school to further Your Education.
You can get involved in representing the academic voice on your course by running to be a Programme Rep or to sit on your Department Committee. Voice your opinions and look out for the numerous events throughout the year.
My key points of focus this year are: – Communication across the institution, Academic Conduct in exams and Coursework, Improving the Extra Curricular Experience surrounding Academic Areas, Rewarding both Students and Staff and recognising success.
That was a short hello from myself, to outline my aims. Over the next two weeks I will be recruiting new Programme Reps and delivering them course specific training. I will also be working with the University to improve the communication pathways.
Please contact me if you have any queries