HEA report: "Engagement for enhancement"

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The Higher Education Academy (HEA) report on the first year of a UK student engagement pilot project has just been published. Based upon questions which are utilsed in the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) – see Tips for NSS(E) Survey Administration for a previous related T&L Blog posting – this kind of survey differs from theRead more

New Futurelearn MOOCs

Futurelearn have launched a new set of MOOCs this week developed by their partner institutions. The new courses are: Shakespeare’s Hamlet: text, performance and culture – University of Birmingham Preparing for uni – University of East Anglia Good brain, bad brain: Basics  – University of Birmingham Exploring our oceans  – University of Southampton Teaching Computing, Part 1 –Read more

XLR Audio into iPad

For those of you who are more adventurous and have wondered if it were possible to have an XLR audio input to an iPad then the answer is yes. As you probably know there appears to be only a headphone out on an iPad but no mic input. However the headphone out can be usedRead more

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