Your Education Week- An Update
This week has seen Your Education Week across the campus, with various events and stalls asking students to comment on their education and what they would like improved across the institution.
We have used the 10 Education Priorities as a basis for our questions during the week:-
Over campus Programme Presidents and Programme Reps have been asking students to fill out questionnaires based on their education, providing us with opinions and ideas on what they want improved surrounding their course.
We’ve asked questions surrounding the resources available to students throughout the University, what they think of the library refurbishment, want they want from specialist software, the use of lecture capture, personal tutoring, small teaching groups and much more.
The data collected is being analysed and responses will be recorded and then reported back to see what our students are saying about their education!
A highlight of the week has been the Programme Rep Conference ‘A Student and Staff Partnership’, we had over 100 attend the conference, guest speeches from the Vice Chancellor Professor Robert Allison, Pro Vice Chancellor of Teaching Professor Morag Bell, Union President Josh Hurrell and NUS Vice President of Higher Education Rachel Wenstone.
The afternoon was a great success, with the highlight being a session run by the Students’ Union Director Andy Parsons. Andy led a session surrounding Open Space Technology that focused on the development of Your Education throughout the institution and Higher Education as a sector.
Staff from various areas of the University attended the conference, it proved very interesting during the course and department specific discussions. Staff were able to directly talk to reps and further the student and staff partnership.
The conference closed with Rachel Wenstone giving a presentation on ‘A Manifesto for Partnership’– Rachel’s main focus is to emphasise that students are not consumers, students are not buying into their education, rather we are partners, we are equals within education.
Christmas Wishes