The Maya Project eBook

It is not always easy to determine where R (Research), T (Teaching) and E (Enterprise) might begin and end, indeed whether this post should be on the e@lboro blog!
Working in the School of Sports, Exercise and Health Sciences here at Loughborough, Dr. Maria Inês Varela-Silva is Director of The Maya Project within the Centre for Global Health and Human Development, and she has just launched a crowdfunding initiative to raise monies to produce an eBook about the Maya people. Entitled The Maya: a living culture of the 21st century, there are further details regarding this project at; for this initiative to work, the eBook project needs to raise £15,000 before February 10th, 2014.
Kickstarter may be a little new to people accessing this T&L blog but, in addition to disseminating some funds through the Teaching Innovation Awards scheme, one of our roles in theTeaching Centre is to provide feedback to colleagues who are looking for support in preparing bids for teaching-related funding.
It will certainly be interesting to monitor the progress made in terms of funding this particular project regarding the Maya, as this may well be something for other colleagues to consider when it comes to thinking about how to resource learning and teaching projects.