A Learning Technology MOOC

I was recently pointed in the direction of a MOOC / TOOC (Truly Open Online Course) by the University of Saskatchewan entitled ‘Introduction to Learning Technologies’ and have decided to give it a go. The course covers units on tools such as RSS feeds, Twitter, e-Portfolios, Copyright, Wikis and Lecture Capture, to name a few. As well as being useful to my job role I’m keen to learn more about these tools anyway so I’m really looking forward to getting into this course. With the interest and enthusiasm surrounding MOOCs at the moment it will also be useful to see what the practicalities of these online courses are and how it fits in alongside fulltime work for example.
If anyone else fancies joining myself and another member of the Teaching Centre in registering for this course click here for more information and anyone in the Loughborough University Learning and Teaching Community that does sign up and wants to get in touch about the course/ swap notes please do! (s.davis@lboro.ac.uk)