"Practices in peer support" – HEA STEM workshop, 22 January 2014

An updated programme for the HEA STEM workshop regarding Practices in peer support – exploring alternative approaches to enhance the student experience is being made available online.
Further to previous Teaching and Learning Blog posts – see HEA STEM: Practices in peer support – exploring alternative approaches to enhance the student experience and HEA STEM workshop, 22 January 2014 for details – we are also encouraging those wishing to attend to register as soon as possible via the Book on this event link.
Building upon introductory remarks from colleagues representing Loughborough University, Loughborough Students’ Union, and the Higher Education Academy, this workshop will draw on a series of short presentations delivered by students and/or staff from a range of STEM subjects (including Chemistry, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Physics, etc.) here on campus, as well as Professional Services; it will also benefit considerably from the contributions of colleagues based at Coventry University and the University of Bath.
As noted previously, peer support essentially sees students supporting other students in a number of different ways during the course of, as well as in support of, their studies – it is a prime example of students as partners. This HEA STEM workshop will make specific reference to case studies showing students supporting students in the student lifecycle (i.e. in transitioning to university, within the curriculum, and/or with their employment prospects), as well as broading the conversation out to peer support in STEM and indeed more generally. Further information regarding this is available online.