Teaching Awards for 2014

The Teaching Centre has now updated the information for the two teaching awards it administers and the details are available on our website.
The Teaching Innovation Award is a means of supporting academic and learning support staff in new initiatives and small pedagogic research projects that contribute directly to the quality of teaching at Loughborough. For this round there is approximately £20,000 available in total to bid for and awards are normally to a maximum of £3000 but with the possibility to increase that to £5000 for exceptional cases. The closing date for submissions is Friday 7th March 2014. Full details are on the Teaching Centre website.
The Research-informed Teaching Award is designed to “recognise and celebrate academic staff who have made a sustained and outstanding contribution to the promotion of research-informed teaching at Loughborough University”. There have been a number of changes to the RiTA for this new call, including making this a more competitive process with no limits on the number of applications each School may make. Applicants for this award will need to submit a claim to their School Operations Manager by 28th April 2014. As with the other teaching award, full details are on the Teaching Centre website.