The National Student Survey is open

The National Student Survey (NSS) opened on the 3rd February and will be open until the 30th April.
The survey is of major importance to the institution and acts as a vital feedback tool from final year students who are asked to comment on their overall experience at Loughborough University.
The NSS consists of 8 sections:
- Teaching on my course
- Assessment and feedback
- Academic support
- Organisation and management
- Learning resources
- Personal development
- Overall satisfaction
- Students’ Union
The promotion of the survey is important so that students know what the NSS is and why they should fill it out. It is also valuable to let the students know that the NSS is run by an independent organisation. This organisation, Ipsos-MORI, will be ringing and texting students to prompt them to fill out the survey as the closing deadline approaches. Therefore it is worth letting students know that the earlier they fill it out the less pestering they will receive.
If you teach a final year module it would be really helpful for you to either show the slides that have been circulated to departments or for you to show the short video made by LSU and the Graduate Interns. If you would like a Graduate Intern to come along to one of your lectures and do a very quick piece about the NSS then please get in touch with Sammy Davis by emailing .