Not as easy as it looks…
To the people out there that say delivering a lecture is easy, think again. I can now say this from experience! As the Graduate Intern in the Teaching Centre I’ve been involved in lots of different elements of Learning and Teaching at Loughborough and I have to say I never imagined I’d actually ever give a lecture. However, the time came when I was required to deliver a session to students on the e-portfolio tool I have been trialling called Mahara.
At first I was really quite nervous about it but of course I’m situated in the best place on campus to advise me on this! The Accredited Course team on one side, Quality Enhancement on the other and the great know-how of the E-learning team, I was always going to pull it off.
I planned my session in advance and worked out timings and lesson objectives. I created screencast tutorial videos to put on the Learn page as extra resources for them to refer to throughout the course. I also used ReVIEW and captured the session so it could be watched back for anything the students had missed.
In summary, standing in front of 100 students delivering content and trying not to talk too fast was fairly daunting, but my preparation and advice from colleagues really helped. I think my next step will be to re-watch the session and to see if there is anything I can improve on for next time!