Improving the learning experience

There is a major feature in the latest news at lboro (pp.12-13) regarding the Teaching Centre in an article entitled “Improving the learning experience”. Indeed, our work with students, their representatives and colleagues across campus features on the Spring 2014 cover page!
The major focus of the articles are the Teaching Innovation Awards (TIAs), the next iteration of which have an application deadline of March 7th, while attention is also drawn to the Research-informed Teaching Awards (RiTAs), which have their next deadline on April 28th.
The TIAs were established in 2005, and the main pieces in this edition of news at lboro centre on the innovative nature of previous awards, and detail the work undertaken by a number of recent recipients:
- 2011 – Emma Dresser (Loughborough Students’ Union) & Dr Robert Harland (School of the Arts) – “Feedback: facilitating reflection to promote learning” supported the development of the LSU Feedback resource
- 2012 – Dr Thomas Jun and Dr Tom Page (Loughborough Design School) – “Lego-based learning initiative for systems design and ergonomics teaching – efficiencies in teaching through the use of technology (Lego Mindstorms NXT: programmable robotics kit)”
- 2013 – Dr Melanie Ramdarshan Bold (English and Drama) – “Loughborough University Press: How a student-led teaching press can lead to enterprise and employability” supported the development of Lamplight Press
Meanwhile, the RiTAs are about to enter their second year, and they will be looking to add to a roll of honour that includes Prof Jonathon Chambers (Electronic, Electrical and Systems Engineering), Prof Barbara Jaworski (Maths Education Centre), Dr Carol Robinson (Maths Education Centre), and Dr Adrian Spencer (Aeronautical, Automotive, Chemical and Materials Engineering). Enjoy your read!