Truly taking the MOOC (Part 2)

It’s Week 6 and we’re just under half-way through our Introduction to Learning Technologies course with the University of Saskatchewan (UofS). Further to the call in the previous Truly taking the MOOC post asking for other colleagues to get involved, there are three of us based here at Loughborough University who now meet regularly in order to support each other’s learning and to work collaboratively.
As part of our MOOC undertaking, we have to complete four assignments. The first of these – which is called a ‘Blog Assignment’ – has seen us posting weekly to our individual blogs from Week 3 onwards, while the second – which is called a ‘Collaborative Paper’ – has seen us working together on a joint paper which is due to be submitted later this week. Specifically created for the purposes of this MOOC, our blogs are available as follows:
- How can we use Learning Technology in the Academic Registry? – blog maintained by Martin Ashby
- SDAVISLBORO – blog maintained by Sammy Davis
- mauriziofitz – blog maintained by Maurice FitzGerald
Our imaginatively named Collaborative Paper (UofS MOOC) is also available online, that is even if it might benefit from a little more tweaking before this Friday’s deadline!
Building upon the Blog Assignment and Collaborative Paper, the third and fourth assignments for this UofS MOOC are a Media Project and Final Project respectively, so there should be at least two other outputs from this endeavour. In the weeks ahead, we’ll keep colleagues posted with our undoubted progress into this world of learning technologies, whilst also taking the opportunity to reflect upon our experiences!