Truly taking the MOOC (Part 3)

Delivered by the University of Saskatchewan (UofS), the Introduction to Learning Technologies course referred to in previous related posts this spring – i.e. Truly taking the MOOC and Truly taking the MOOC (Part 2) – has now concluded.
Indeed, those of us participating in this, as well as a number of comparable courses over the past year, tabled a paper at Quality Enhancement and Assurance Sub-Committee (QEASC) earlier this week – see QEASC14-P17 Taking a MOOC: reflections upon the University of Saskatchewan’s ‘Introduction to Learning Technologies’, Oxford Brookes University’s ‘Teaching Online Open Course’, and the Open University’s ‘Open Learning Design Studio’ for more details. Our hope in doing so is that the learning is not lost, particularly as Loughborough University builds upon its FutureLearn offering, i.e. Innovation and enterprise and Getting a grip on mathematical symbolism.