Lecture Capture event at Loughborough 17th December
On Wednesday December 17th the Centre for Academic Practice is holding its second lecture capture mini-conference, open to both Loughborough staff and external delegates.
Entitled Lecture Capture: Building the Evidence Base, the workshop will provide participants with an opportunity to engage in conversation around the evidence base for the value of lecture capture, stimulated by informal presentations by practitioners from across HE. Lboro staff should contact the organiser, Charles Shields, directly to book a place. If you work at another institution, click here to book.
The event is to be hosted in the Brockington Extension from 9.15am – 4pm. Lunch and refreshments will be provided.
The format is based on short presentations with ample opportunity for discussion.
The programme is available here.
The event is intended for academics, learning technologists, quality enhancement staff, and educational researchers – and anyone else with an interest in making effective use of lecture capture (LC).
As many institutions are scaling up the use of LC, it remains a contentious area, with many academic staff still questioning whether the resources now being invested are justified. Learning technologists are being challenged to produce evidence that the introduction of lecture capture has a positive impact on learning outcomes. We would particularly welcome delegates who have concerns or who are sceptical as to the value of LC.
This event provides an opportunity for who have been undertaking monitoring and evaluation projects to share their findings so far. Presentations will cover both institution-wide and small-scale studies.
Please e-mail c.f.g.shields@lboro.ac.uk for further information.
Payments can be made through the Loughborough online store from November 19th. The event is priced at £50.00 for external delegates.
Deadline for bookings: 9am Monday 15th December