HEA clarify their expectations regarding “Good standing”
You may not have noticed that the HEA have relaunched their website. This may not seem too significant in itself but within the new site there are a number of additional resources and clarifications that are important. This blog post look at one of these.
The webpage on Good standing – https://www.heacademy.ac.uk/recognition-accreditation/ukpsf/good-standing – clarifies what has up until now been very general, unspecific advice. The advice makes clear that there is an implicit assumption that all HEA Fellows, irrespective of the descriptor they have been recognised for, MUST be able to demonstrate that they continue to “work in line with their relevant fellow descriptor standard and the Fellowship of the HEA Code of Practice.”
More specifically the HEA clearly state that they “expect HEA Fellows to be working towards their next award and be performing, or out-performing, their current Fellow descriptor standard.”
Finally, the HEA now expects all Fellows to record their professional development activity as part of the evidence they provide to the HEA of Good Standing. The HEA can ask for this evidence “at any given time” and have stated that they will now select a sample of fellows each year and request that they provide this evidence to confirm their Fellowship status.
These are new developments and have significant implications. There will need to be a change in behaviour on the part of both individuals and institutions running CPD schemes such as LUPE. Individuals will need to keep their record of professional development up-to-date and not wait until good standing is required (after 5 years in the LUPE scheme) before compiling it. Institutions will need to reassess their expectations and actively encourage colleagues to apply for the next descriptor. Gaining HEA fellowship can no longer seen as a one-off activity, like dogs at Christmas, it’s for life!
The Centre for Academic Practice will incorporate this new approach into its LUPE workshops and Writing Retreats, so sign up for one of these if you want to find out more.