E-learning Champion Showcase
Five members of academic staff from the School of Business and Economics (SBE) have been working over the last year on individual E-learning projects.
These E-learning champions chose a particular area linked to one of their taught modules, for which they wanted to develop the appropriate technology to engage further with their students.
The projects this year were:
Maxine Clarke – To provide an online facility for students to upload information (articles/newspaper articles/videos/etc.) on a weekly basis and to provide a written summary of their submission. To enable online ‘marking’ of this submission as this will constitute the students’ coursework element for this module.
Kai-Hong Tee – To improve students’ effectiveness in their learning via a self-assessed practice questions made available on LEARN
Simona Rasciute – To introduce an interactive problem/exercise solving feature into Learn.
Dan Sage – To encourage students to read beyond lecture notes and the textbook in order for them to develop their critical thinking around concepts and key debates related to the lecture content. The project involved the use of an electronic ‘pinboard’ (Lino) to facilitate collaborative discussions and presentations around journal article readings on the Sociology of Work module.
Baibing Li – The aim of the project is to provide a better and interactive way for the students to participate the teaching/learning process during my lectures.
The E-learning Champions felt that the benefits included having time to explore the potential of their chosen area of E-learning and to be fully supported by the CAP and SBE E-learning Team.
The project was led by Mr. Philip Wilkinson-Blake from the SBE.
The project concluded with an E-learning Champions Showcase Event, which was supported by IT Services, CAP and the SBE E-learning Team. Over 40 staff attended the event, at which E-learning champions shared their experiences and findings.
Video and lecture capture technology was used to share the best practice with other colleagues across the University.
The data findings are now being analysed by the SBE E-learning Team and will be shared with other Schools in the future.