If you’re a Camtasia user (and we have many here on campus, making narrated screen recordings for a variety of purposes), you might be interested in a new multi-platform app Techsmith have brought out called Fuse. This works with the latest versions of Camtasia (8.4) and allows you to send images and videos instantly fromRead more
Interested in finding out more about designing and creating screencasts? Take a look at Designing a PowerPoint Screencast Using Camtasia. This blog post clearly describes the key elements of an effective screencast including creating bumpers, suggesting ways to assess students’ learning and how to integrate with other resources such as google forms and the quizRead more
Expanding on the hints and tips to help the creation of a screen casting project post, we can recommend a short clip to help with your screen casting preparation. This clip is produced by Techsmith, the creators of Camtasia. 01: Prepare, Script, Audio.Read more
Here at Loughborough the E-learning team run support sessions in the use of Camtasia for the creation of screen casts. The Mac version of the software (Camtasia for Mac) is very usable but is slightly different to the PC version (Camtasia Studio). Those with the option and not clear which platform would suit you hereRead more
As a supplement to Jenny’s Screencasting Hints and Tips post earlier today, take a look at this new post on the Online Universities blog which covers different ways of projecting yourself to your audience as an academic screencaster. While the best advice is to be yourself, this still allows for a range of possibilities.Read more
Are you thinking about or part way through a Screen casting project? The attached guide has been separated into sections: Planning; Recording; Editing; and Producing, designed to help you approach the project in manageable segments. They are primarily for users of Camtasia Studio (screen recording and video editing software from Techsmith), but can assist anyRead more
If you search through archived posts on this blog, or the Tools for Teaching section, you’ll find plenty of advice on using screen recording applications on PC and Mac such as Camtasia Studio or the Personal Capture variant of ReVIEW / Echo 360. But what if you use an iPad as your main device, as manyRead more
I attended a Podcasting Special Interest Group last week (MEL SIG). One of the things which I took away from the event was that podcasts do not need to be perfect before being released to our learners. I’m sure we’ve all been in a situation where we create a recording (audio only or a screencast)Read more
In this interview, 2 student interns on the SYMBoL project talk about their experience of working collaboratively with staff to develop additional resources for second year mathematics modules. In particular, they talk about how they went about identifying where additional resources would be useful, and how they used Camtasia to create narrated screen recordings.Read more
As part of the SYMBoL project (Second Year Mathematics Beyond Lectures), four mathematics undergraduate students have been working this summer as interns on a six-week placement. Naomi, Robert, John and Matthew conducted several focus groups with second year undergraduates to find ways of making student learning more effective and their modules more engaging. The long-termRead more