Tablets in teaching

Are you using a tablet in your teaching – either iPad or Android? If so, we’d like to hear from you. How are you using it? Have you found any particularly useful apps? What response have you had from students? We’re planning a ‘tablets in teaching’ project for next academic year and any feedback would beRead more

Graham Gibbs on study skills

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The third piece in this series – this time under the heading “Raising awareness of best-practice pedagogy” – has recently been published by the Times Higher Education. Once more, Graham Gibbs has presented us with another insightful and accessible article, this time asking what study skills consist of and whether they can be learned byRead more

Teaching Innovation Awards 2013

On Tuesday 11th we’re having an induction event in James France for the latest group of Teaching Innovation Award holders (those who received awards in the March round). The projects are as follows: Eugenie Hunsicker Irene Biza Science/ Mathematics Education Centre and Department of Mathematical Sciences EDGE—Excel Data Generators and related learning materials in statistics MarcusRead more

"In at the deep end – starting to teach in higher education"

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Earlier this week, Phil Race (Emeritus Professor, Leeds Metropolitan University) posted a reminder on his blog that his booklet for new lecturers working in Higher Education is readily available online. Entitled In at the deep end – starting to teach in higher education, he presents a number of easily adaptable ideas and useful suggestions regarding preparatory work,Read more

LUDT funding opportunity

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The Loughborough University Development Trust (LUDT) have recently put out their annual call for funding applications. Fuller details are available on the Lboro Noticeboard  but, as that posting says, the “Loughborough Fund exists to provide support for projects that enhance the student experience. You can submit a bid for up to £5,000 at any time, andRead more

Maths students in transition

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  Paul Hernandez-Martinez (Mathematics Education Centre, Loughborough University) and Julian Williams (University of Manchester) recently published an article entitled “Against the odds: resilience in mathematics students in transition” in the British Educational Research Journal. The abstract reads: “This paper examines ‘resilience’ of mathematics students in transition from a sociocultural perspective, in which resilience is viewed asRead more

Lecture capture conference at Loughborough 3rd July

We’re holding a one-day lecture capture conference in the Keith Green Building on July 3rd, with the theme: Pedagogy, policy and support: taking lecture capture to the next level The event is intended for academics, learning technologists, IT staff, and A/V managers with an interest in the use of lecture capture and screencasting technologies. The packedRead more

Plagiarism Webinars

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There is some work going on across the University to establish a Code of Practice on Plagiarism Detection. Therefore, it’s probably timely to refresh our memories on issues surrounding plagiarism through these series of webinars from which deal with a range of subjects from identifying plagiarism in student work to case processing. For moreRead more

"Partnership between staff and students in Higher Education"

Provisionally entitled “Partnership between staff and students in Higher Education”, Grace Barker (University Mentoring Co-ordinator, Newcastle University) is giving a talk at 5pm on Monday, May 20th, in Room A.2.04 (Schofield). Organised by Dr Marcus Collins (Department of Politics, History and International Relations (PHIR)), this talk will centre on aspects of student engagement; if you are interestedRead more

ReVIEW reaches 2000 capture milestone

Three years after it was first piloted, our ReVIEW campus lecture capture service has reached the milestone of 2000 captured lectures on the system, equating to over 4000 hours of content. My thanks go to colleagues in Teaching Support and IT Services for the great effort they have put into implementing and supporting this technically complexRead more

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