National Teaching Fellowship Scheme 2013

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The National Teaching Fellowship Scheme (NTFS) 2013 has now opened, with nominations closing on 4 March 2013. As the Higher Education Academy (HEA) says, the NTFS “recognises and rewards excellent learning and teaching … Up to 55 awards of £10,000 are made to recognise individual excellence. The award is intended for National Teaching Fellows’ professional development in teaching and learningRead more

Teaching and Learning Workshops

The Teaching Centre has a variety of CPD workshops coming up in January / February which you might like to consider registering for. Click on the links below to view the session descriptions on the Staff Development website: Lecturing with Clarity in English Wed, 16th Jan 2013 1:30pm – 4:30pm Assessment and Feedback for LearningRead more

Staff development opportunities in Jan / Feb

We have a variety of workshops and events coming up in January / February that you might like to think about registering for or putting in your Outlook calendar. Click on the links to view the session description on the Staff Development website. (Note to blog readers outside Loughborough: these are internal sessions only. However,Read more

Students Voice resources

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Students Voice continues to be at the forefront of resource development for students (and staff) here at Loughborough. You might not be aware that they have created a set of readily accessible materials on the Loughborough Students Union website to support students on issues such as plagiarism, feedback, academic misconduct, impaired performance, etc., or that this informationRead more

Twitter – not just for telling the world what you had for breakfast!

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I’ve noticed a perception among some colleagues that Twitter serves little purpose beyond revealing the tedious minutiae of celebrities’ daily lives. But in fact we’re starting to see some interesting examples of Twitter being exploited for teaching and learning here at Loughborough; take at look at the e-learning blog for more on this.Read more

Using Twitter and Twitterfontana in Geography teaching

Prompted by earlier posts on the use of Twitter in History teaching, Dr Sarah Mills in the Department of Geography has been trying out Twitter in a reading seminar. She reports: Just to say thanks for the advice about Twitter!  The reading group went well this afternoon – 15 students, 3 sub-groups based on whoRead more

Have we hit 'Peak Higher Education'?

  Most of us are familiar with the concept of ‘Peak Oil’, where the rate of oil production peaks and thereafter enters terminal decline, but what about the case for ‘Peak Higher Education’? The outcomes of a recent report, Global Changes in Tuition Fee Policies and Student Assistance by Canadian-based consultants Higher Education Strategy Associates,Read more

What is Learn for?

I was challenged a couple of days ago by an experienced academic colleague who said he had no idea what Learn (Moodle, if you’re reading this outside Loughborough) is actually for. I was rather taken aback by this as it seemed to me that this should be obvious. But then, I’ve been supporting e-learning inRead more

Know your learners

Did you know that there are approximately 200,000 students in HE who have a declared disability (DIUS,2009)? I was made aware of this in an online session about eLearning and accessibility. As online content providers, it is our responsibility to ensure that we design resources which are as inclusive as possible. But how can weRead more

Implications of 'Dimensions of quality' in a market environment

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Graham Gibbs has followed up his Dimensions of quality (York: HEA, 2010) with a new report entitled Implications of ‘Dimensions of quality’ in a market environment (York: HEA, 2012) which has just become available. In doing so, he presents a considered and constructively critical assessment of current pressures, policies and practices at Higher Education institutions acrossRead more

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