ReVIEW usage this semester

The ReVIEW lecture capture installations and server have been whirring away trying to keep up with demand over the last few weeks. Since the start of the semester, 308 new sessions(mostly lectures) have been captured, and there has been very postive feedback from students in areas that have just started using the system, such asRead more

cMOOCs and xMOOCs: hype or paradigm shift?

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If you’ve glanced at the educational media in the last 6 months, you’ll certainly have seen numerous articles (often with quasi-hysterical headlines) covering the rise and rise of the MOOC, or Massive Open Online Course. I had intended to put this post on the E-learning Blog, but as MOOCs are supposed to be on theRead more

Electronic Assessment Management group

Many institutions, including Loughborough, are looking at policies around online submission, marking and feedback. Some have already moved to a policy of 100% online submission. Following a recent exchange about this on the national Heads of E-learning Forum (HELF), a new Electronic Assessment Management SIG has been set up, membership of which is open to allRead more

Interactive time management clock

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As part of an ongoing project being undertaken in the Teaching Centre, an interactive time management clock has been developed to help students see how they spend their time. You can save the resource to your own desktop as an html file and then customise as required or use the resource as it is. Currently the clock is beingRead more

Supporting Programme Reps

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Nicky Conway works in the Student Voice office in the Students’ Union and has been responsible for co-ordinating the new Programme Rep Hub module on Learn. She comments: “The new module has been developed as an interactive one stop-shop for all of the support, resources and opportunities that Programme Reps need to be effective in theirRead more

L&T funding opportunities

Colleagues will be aware that the Higher Education Academy (HEA) continues to have funds available to support Learning and Teaching; just go to for more details regarding Teaching Development Grants (the collaborative research call opens on 7 January and closes on 28 February 2013), HEA UK Travel Funds (which have been running since 1 August 2012 and are expectedRead more

Recording screencasts on your iPad

If you search through archived posts on this blog, or the Tools for Teaching section, you’ll find plenty of advice on using screen recording applications on PC and Mac such as Camtasia Studio or the Personal Capture variant of ReVIEW / Echo 360. But what if you use an iPad as your main device, as manyRead more

More on BoB and Twitter…

Historian Dr Marcus Collins is another ‘early adopter’ of the BoB (Box of Broadcasts) service and, as with his colleague Prof Chris Szejnmann, he has been combining it with Twitter in the classroom. He comments: I’m also a great fan of both BoB and Twitter. So far, I’ve been using both in just one module:Read more

Teaching Innovation Award presentations

We now have a confirmed date for the annual Teaching Innovation Award presentations, which had been postponed from their usual December slot. The presentations will now feature as part of the E-learning Showcase on Friday 1st February 2013 in Brockington Extension.Read more

Online submission FAQs

How do I download submitted coursework? The two main routes to online coursework submission each have a different mechanism for downloading the submitted files. The notes below describe approaches to marking and the provision of feedback using Learn’s online submission tools Downloading a class’ assignments Providing online feedbackRead more

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