Marco Bohr and Alexandre Christoyannopoulos, recipients of a 2016 Teaching Innovation Award (TIA), explain what they hope to achieve with their project. What did you want to achieve? What potential roles can blogging have in Higher Education? How can it enhance learning and the broader student experience? What legal and reputational issues need bearing inRead more
An article written by Lee Campbell (School of the Arts), entitled ‘Technoparticipation: Intermeshing pedagogy and interruption’ has been published in the latest edition of Body, Space, Technology. The article looks at various aspects of e-learning and focuses on Skype as a virtual technological platform, with the scope of ‘generating innovation in terms of subverting theRead more
Five members of academic staff from the School of Business and Economics (SBE) have been working over the last year on individual E-learning projects. These E-learning champions chose a particular area linked to one of their taught modules, for which they wanted to develop the appropriate technology to engage further with their students. The projectsRead more
I’m frequently asked by colleagues whether there is any evidence that lecture capture ie effective, and this question is often accompanied by the assertion that the introduction of lecture capture must have a negative effect on attendance. There is now a significant amount of research into different aspects of the use of lecture capture inRead more
This is a question I often hear from academic colleagues. It’s very easy to set up a forum on your module page on Learn, and to post a question to your students, but these actions in themselves will not usually be enough to promote discussion. There has been plenty of academic research into this area,Read more
I recently arrived from the US where I spent 10+ yrs teaching and conducting research in math e-learning. A couple of my first conversations in the UK have afforded me a chance to reflect more on e-learning. One conversation was about the influence of instructional tech-enthusiasts on educational practice. In another later conversation, I wasRead more
BOS is a comprehensive online survey and questionnaire tool available to researchers and academics at Loughborough. Find out more from Martin Ashby in the Research Office.Read more