We are delighted to announce the themes for our annual Learning and Teaching Conference, which is being held in West Park Teaching Hub on 27th June 2018. The themes are: Digital Literacy Engaging students in the learning process Student Wellbeing How do students learn? The call for abstracts of approximately 300 words is now openRead more
Six final year students from the School of Business and Economics (SBE) have shared their experiences of placements to help those now hunting for a place for next year. The students worked for a range of different companies, from KPMG to Nottingham Panthers. Their experiences had been very different with one exception – all saidRead more
This blog post has been contributed by Karisa Krcmar from the Counselling and Disability Service at Loughborough University. I am a little hesitant about writing about disability legislation and cuts in funding in a month Centre for Academic Practice have dedicated to inclusive learning. In an ideal word there would be no need to talk about adjustmentsRead more
When someone [other than a lecturer] explains it, because it’s us – the students − explaining it to other students, normally the explanations aren’t great. But that’s good, because they explain it once, and you’re like, “I’m not sure I get that” and then the student leader will go over it again. And then, becauseRead more
The Equality Challenge Unit (ECU), a body that centres on advancing equality and diversity across universities and colleges, has updated its online resources for academics. As the ECU says, these tools are aimed at “ensuring that higher education institutions are inclusive and accessible, and encourage good relations between the diverse groups that study, work, or otherwise engage with them”.Read more
From 2014/15 a new and improved Co-Tutor will be rolled out across Loughborough. CEDE would like to celebrate and thank the many colleagues that have been involved along the way and will be hosting a launch event on the 24th September 2014 at 12 noon. Register for the event here: http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/co-tutor-launch-event-tickets-5255206464 For the past yearRead more
The student representatives in the Department of Mathematical Sciences have put together a video aimed at making reps more visible while also signposting students to the different feedback routes open to them – go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wPYSBr4GObs to learn more. Please note that information on the role of student representatives is available at locations such as these Loughborough Students’Read more
There is an increasingly significant number of Joint Honours students here at Loughborough, which is one of the reasons why a Code of Practice for Joint Honours Degree Progammes was developed as part of Academic Quality Procedures Handbook. In order to support colleagues, we have started to develop a Joint Honours Community of Practice Learn module, but itRead more
With the soft launch of my.Lboro (also known as the student portal) this time last year, colleagues will be aware that students have been able to access various online resources through this mechanism. These include student email, relevant news and notifications, Learn modules, budgetary information, Library access, etc. This coming academic year, new students are being encourgaged toRead more
Sometimes we need to be reminded of what we already have! A colleague was recently in touch regarding group work resources, and that set us to thinking. Indeed, it led us to conclude that there is a lot of good advice out there already from which we can draw. For example, the Learnhigher Centre for Excellence in TeachingRead more