SQR Teachers Network

Are you a member of Loughborough University staff who teaches Statistics, Quantitative methods, Econometrics, or indeed any other topics aligned to these such as Research Methods, at any level (introductory, intermediate, specialist) to undergraduate or postgraduate students? Are you interested in meeting informally with other Loughborough University staff who also teach these topics, to shareRead more

Swivl in the teaching room

Update to initial review posted on April 24th: as I type, our first academic user of the Swivl tracking system, Prof Chris Szejnmann, Professor of Modern History, is using the Swivl in conjunction with a Zoom Q3HD pocket camcorder (which we highly recommend for its unmatched audio recording quality) to capture a seminar. To the bestRead more

Swivl 'personal cameraman' – first UK impressions

Our new Swivl presenter tracking system arrived yesterday, to great excitement in this office (well, from me anyway!) Judging by the fact that a Google search brings up no other UK reviews yet, I’m guessing this is probably one of the first in the country – unsurprising as Satarii, makers of the device, are onlyRead more

Perfect Podcasts

I attended a Podcasting Special Interest Group last week (MEL SIG). One of the things which I took away from the event was that podcasts do not need to be perfect before being released to our learners. I’m sure we’ve all been in a situation where we create a recording (audio only or a screencast)Read more

HEA activity relating to Internationalisation

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Colleagues may be interested to know about recent HEA activity relating to Internationalisation: The formation of a Special Interest Group for staff with an interest in internationalisation: http://www.heacademy.ac.uk/events/detail/2012/academyevents/19_July_InternationalisationSIG and the production of a quarterly newsletter: http://www.heacademy.ac.uk/resources/detail/internationalisation/Internationalisation_Newsletter_March2012?dm_i=12ZA,R9LM,5FMLAS,27CZZ,1 Both of these activities complement the HEA’s work on internationalisation detailed at: http://www.heacademy.ac.uk/internationalisationRead more

Smartpen: Recommended to all minute takers.

A new Smartpen user case study is now available. Katie is the Library Administrator and regularly uses her Smartpen when taking minutes. The pen records the audio of the meeting to allow her to listen again for more accurate notes. She suggests a simple technique of drawing a star within her notes to identify theRead more

Interested in Media Enhanced Teaching and Learning?

Colleagues may be interested in attending the final workshop in the current series of the Media Enhanced Teaching and Learning (METAL) project, taking place at the University of Nottingham on the 24th April 2012. More information and registration (registrations close on the 17th April 2012). Please note this event is open to all, and not limitedRead more

Peer Support Directory – new online resource

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In looking to support a variety of peer support initiatives which have been taking place across campus in recent years, the Teaching Centre is in the process of creating a new online resource to support staff and students. Called a Peer Support Directory, it promotes the idea that students are particularly well positioned to supportRead more

You've Been Framed!

One of the main practical issues we’ve faced with rolling out the ReVIEW lecture capture system on campus is that of ‘framing’. That is, how do you go about ensuring that the lecturer / presenter remains in shot? We’ve come up with a possible solution and submitted this to the JISC Elevator site for consideration.Read more

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