We are delighted to announce the themes for our annual Learning and Teaching Conference, which is being held in West Park Teaching Hub on 27th June 2018. The themes are: Digital Literacy Engaging students in the learning process Student Wellbeing How do students learn? The call for abstracts of approximately 300 words is now openRead more
Our 2nd lecture capture conference last month, attended by over 70 delegates, received very positive feedback and generated some fantastic debates about the value of lecture capture. There was general agreement that it would be useful to run another event with a similar focus (on pedagogic research around lecture capture) later this year, and we’ll certainlyRead more
Bookings are now closed for the #LCEvidenceBase mini-conference here on Wednesday. Over 70 people have registered so I’m looking forward to some great debates. View the programme here.Read more
On Wednesday December 17th the Centre for Academic Practice is holding its second lecture capture mini-conference, open to both Loughborough staff and external delegates. Over 60 people have already booked. Entitled Lecture Capture: Building the Evidence Base, the workshop will provide participants with an opportunity to engage in conversation around the evidence base for the valueRead more
On Wednesday December 17th the Centre for Academic Practice is holding its second lecture capture mini-conference, open to both Loughborough staff and external delegates. Entitled Lecture Capture: Building the Evidence Base, the workshop will provide participants with an opportunity to engage in conversation around the evidence base for the value of lecture capture, stimulated by informalRead more
The forthcoming European Conference on Social Media, which is taking place at the University of Brighton on July 9th, 2014, is seeking applications from students to showcase their research into social media. The conference website is located at http://academic-conferences.org/ecsm/ecsm2014/ecsm14-committee.htm, while the showcase website is at http://blogs.brighton.ac.uk/ssms/. Further information is also available from Sandra Huskinson (Online Development Officer, School of Business and Economics) ifRead more
Friday 6th December 2013 12:00pm – 1:45pm BE.0.53 (in School of Business and Economics) Loughborough Teaching Awards recognise, celebrate and promote excellence in learning and teaching. At this showcase event, recipients of Teaching Innovation Awards 2012 share their findings to benefit other teaching staff and learning support staff at Loughborough. This cross-disciplinary event provides anRead more
Our first ‘Tablets in Learning and Teaching’ workshop took place this week, with around 25 people dropping in at one point or another, including external presenters Dave Foord from the Tablet Academy and Ola Aiyegbayo from the University of Huddersfield. We heard from Sara Ronca and Clare Hutton how they have been using their loanRead more
eAssessment Scotland are holding their annual eAssessment themed day event on 23rd August 2013. The day programme looks really good and varied and if the conference was held a little closer to home I would go without hesitation. But, unfortunately for me, it’s not. So I will have to make do with registering for theRead more
Smart Devices for Learning #2: using smartphones, tablets and apps to enhance learning Host: University of Huddersfield, for MELSIG (Media-Enhanced Learning Special Interest Group) Date: Friday 6th September 2013 Description: Building on the interest and success of the first MELSIG smart device special focus event in February, academics, educational developers and learning technologists will haveRead more