In this blog-post for the Centre for Academic Practice, Nuzhat Fatima, LSU Welfare and Diversity Executive Officer, discusses the Black and Minority Ethnic student attainment gap in UK higher education institutions, and introduces a new research project at Loughborough entitled ‘Experiences in the Classroom and Beyond: The Role of Race and Ethnicity’ What is theRead more
Our most recent CAP Forum focused on research-informed curriculum design. As a recent Research-informed Teaching Award winner, Dr Line Nyhagen took us through some of her wonderful successes and some of the challenges she has faced in four specific innovative teaching practices which were designed to enhance student engagement. The first is a field visitRead more
Marco Bohr and Alexandre Christoyannopoulos, recipients of a 2016 Teaching Innovation Award (TIA), explain what they hope to achieve with their project. What did you want to achieve? What potential roles can blogging have in Higher Education? How can it enhance learning and the broader student experience? What legal and reputational issues need bearing inRead more
This year’s first CAP Forum focused on the topic of embedding your research in your teaching. As a result, we invited one of this year’s Research-informed Teaching Award winners to present on how and why she embeds her research into her teaching, and what her research is about. In 2002, Dr Cheryl Travers set upRead more
The annual Research-informed Teaching Awards (RiTAs) and the Teaching Innovation Awards (TIAs) celebrate excellence in innovative and research informed practice across the University. The awards are designed to reaffirm the University’s commitment to recognise staff and students who demonstrate high levels of achievement in both research and teaching. The Research-informed Teaching Awards reward academic staffRead more
An article written by Lee Campbell (School of the Arts), entitled ‘Technoparticipation: Intermeshing pedagogy and interruption’ has been published in the latest edition of Body, Space, Technology. The article looks at various aspects of e-learning and focuses on Skype as a virtual technological platform, with the scope of ‘generating innovation in terms of subverting theRead more
2010 Teaching Innovation Awards winners, Dr Lawrence Leger and Dr Karligash Glass (Kenjegalieva), have recently published their work in Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education. Their research article, ‘What if best practice is too expensive? Feedback on oral presentations and efficient use of resources’, suggests that ‘less resource-intensive [teaching and learning] methods need not compromiseRead more
Five members of academic staff from the School of Business and Economics (SBE) have been working over the last year on individual E-learning projects. These E-learning champions chose a particular area linked to one of their taught modules, for which they wanted to develop the appropriate technology to engage further with their students. The projectsRead more
Our 2nd lecture capture conference last month, attended by over 70 delegates, received very positive feedback and generated some fantastic debates about the value of lecture capture. There was general agreement that it would be useful to run another event with a similar focus (on pedagogic research around lecture capture) later this year, and we’ll certainlyRead more
On Wednesday December 17th the Centre for Academic Practice is holding its second lecture capture mini-conference, open to both Loughborough staff and external delegates. Entitled Lecture Capture: Building the Evidence Base, the workshop will provide participants with an opportunity to engage in conversation around the evidence base for the value of lecture capture, stimulated by informalRead more