Lecture capture conference 3rd July – places left

There are still places left for our one-day lecture capture conference here at Loughborough on July 3rd from 10am – 4.30pm, with the theme: Pedagogy, policy and support: taking lecture capture to the next level The event is intended for academics, learning technologists, IT staff, and A/V managers with an interest in the use of lectureRead more

Leading the way in teaching and learning

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The Teaching Centre features in the latest edition of newsatlboro (Issue 75 Summer 2013) under the headline “Leading the way in teaching and learning” – for further information, go to pp.14-15. Centring on undergraduate and postgraduate taught programmes, as well as considering the role that e-learning can play in conjunction with, and support of, teachingRead more

Senior Fellowship of the HEA – forthcoming workshop

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A representative from the Higher Education Academy (HEA), Raj Dhimar, will be visiting the University on Monday, 15 July 2013. He will be running a workshop from 9:30am to 1pm that day which will focus on supporting colleagues who are thinking about applying for Senior Fellowship of the HEA.  It should be noted that Senior Fellowship is aimedRead more

Enhancing the student academic experience

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The Higher Education Academy (HEA) has just published the second volume in what is fast becoming a series of proven approaches to many of the issues and problems faced today by staff and students in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). In sum, if colleagues are looking for ideas over the summer regarding how they might build upon student engagement, thereby enhancing theRead more

Employability in Action update

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Employability in Action is an initiative led by the Careers and Employability Centre to develop and promote employability and career planning skills within and alongside the academic curriculum.  At the first event held on the 15th March 2013, academic staff and professional services staff came together:  •To showcase some of the existing work that isRead more

Survey of student views on teaching and learning spaces

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Over March – May of this year, Facilities Management conducted an online survey of student views on teaching rooms and informal study spaces, including questions on Learn and the ReVIEW lecture capture service. There were over 700 respondents. The data have not yet been analysed in detail but some of the statistics, and in particularRead more

Which?/HEPI, "The Student Academic Experience Survey"

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Which? has partnered with the Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI) to conduct “The Student Academic Experience Survey”, the findings from which were released last month. In addition to a Which? report that goes into some depth regarding a range of issues (including contact time, types of contact, feedback, attendance, private study, etc.), there is also a HEPIRead more

Transparency in assessment = student success?

  Student retention and completion of degree programmes is a topic of growing concern to higher education institutions and their students. A recent paper in Higher Education Research and Development (Suhre et al, 2013) identifies the impact of degree programme characteristics and student motivation on study progress. The setting for the study is the Law Department in aRead more

Experimenting with Facebook in the Classroom

My Teaching Centre colleague Maurice Fitzgerald has featured Faculty Focus several times in posts over on the Teaching and Learning Blog. Based in the United States, Faculty Focus provides various free, as well as paid for, resources in the form of newsletters, downloadable reports, etc., regarding learning and teaching issues. In the latest Faculty FocusRead more

'Faculty Focus' – advice from across the Atlantic

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Based in the United States, Faculty Focus provides various free, as well as paid for, resources in the form of newsletters, downloadable reports, etc., regarding learning and teaching issues. Having subscribed to their free e-newsletter (sign up along the right-hand side of their homepage) and having downloaded a couple of their free reports over the pastRead more

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