'Other' Web tools

Every so often, my colleague Martin Hamilton (Head of Internet Services) and I are asked by a University group to look again at the University’s policy on the use of Web 2.0 services to support Teaching and Learning. “Web 2.0” is an unsatisfactory term that covers a wide variety of tools out there on theRead more

Ultra High Definition video for healthcare education

Today researchers at UK universities will carry out 3D demonstrations on a ‘virtual patient’, showing how groundbreaking ultra high definition (UHD) technology is making a real difference to medical training and diagnosis. Already used by trainee radiographers at Cardiff University, UHD technology, using the UK’s research and education high-speed data network Janet, has the potentialRead more

Peer Support at Lboro event – programme update

The Peer Support at Lboro: Enhancing the Student Experience event, which is being jointly hosted by the Mathematics Education Centre and the Teaching Centre, will be held in James France (Room CC.1.11) from 1:30pm to 4:30pm on Wednesday, 24 April 2013. Further to the details posted previously regarding this Peer Support at Lboro event, we can nowRead more

Introduction to ReVIEW

If you’ve been contemplating giving lecture capture a go, you might be interested to know that we run regular ‘Introduction to ReVIEW’ staff development workshops. The next workshop takes place on Wednesday 24th April and places are still available. To book a place, go to http://pdwww.lboro.ac.uk/eventdetails.php?run=11618 .Read more

Seven key concepts in teaching and learning

  The field of higher education research has developed as an eclectic mix of theories and concepts brought in from the home disciplines of its researchers, typically psychology, sociology and philosophy. Consequently, those new to the literature can find it difficult to determine what is central and what is peripheral to the field. A recentRead more

Is there anyone out there?

Well, according to Google Analytics (click screenshot to the left), yes, there is! In fact between 5th April 2012 and 4th April 2013, there were 8801 visits to this blog, with 5723 unique visitors. So, the traffic is not quite at a level that would worry my IT Services colleagues, but it’s always reassuring toRead more

Why don't students contribute to my forums on Learn?

This is a question I often hear from academic colleagues. It’s very easy to set up a forum on your module page on Learn, and to post a question to your students, but these actions in themselves will not usually be enough to promote discussion. There has been plenty of academic research into this area,Read more

Socrative: alternative tool for classroom voting / interaction

Following my last post on the SAP Powerpoint Twitter tools, I’ve been looking at the Socrative online voting system which has been around for several years now. As with Twitter-based voting (until that stopped working!), Socrative has the advantage by contrast with dedicated electronic voting systems (such as Turning Point which we support centrally at Loughborough) thatRead more

Audiovisual citation guidelines launched today

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Have you ever wondered how to cite a television advert? Or what about an extra from a DVD? Do you ever need to provide advice to students or contributors about how to reference audiovisual content within their own work? The British Universities Film & Video Council (BUFVC) has today launched a pioneering set of guidelinesRead more

Peer Support at Lboro: Enhancing the Student Experience

The Mathematics Education Centre and the Teaching Centre have teamed up to host a practice sharing event entitled Peer Support at Lboro: Enhancing the Student Experience in James France (Room CC.1.11) from 1:30pm to 4:30pm on Wednesday, 24 April 2013. This is just one element of a wider peer support project which has been facilitated by LoughboroughRead more

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