Transforming the experience of students through assessment: TESTA

TESTA is a methodology designed to address assessment and feedback issues at the programme-level. It is built on a robust, triangulated research methodology with qualitative and quantitative elements, and underpinned by educational principles and research literature. What problem is TESTA addressing? • The disconnect between assessment innovations at the individual module level and assessment problemsRead more

Using mobile devices to enhance fieldwork

Prof. Derek France from the University of Chester will be visiting the Geography Department on Wednesday 21st January to share his considerable experience of using technology to enhance student learning. Derek will be leading a hands-on seminar: ‘Enhancing fieldwork learning with Mobile devices’. This will take place from 14:00-16:00 on Wednesday 21st Jan, location TBC.Read more

Lecture Capture Conference Postscript

Our 2nd lecture capture conference last month, attended by over 70 delegates, received very positive feedback and generated some fantastic debates about the value of lecture capture. There was general agreement that it would be useful to run another event with a similar focus (on pedagogic research around lecture capture) later this year, and we’ll certainlyRead more

Assessment that is “equitable, valid and reliable”

Assessment is a complex topic since it involves two distinct aspects. First, it forms an essential element of the learning process. Students learn both from assessment activities and from their interaction with staff about their performance in those activities. Second, it is the means by which academic staff form judgements as to what extent studentsRead more

Focus On… Assessment

Starting this month, the Centre for Academic Practice is going to have a different thematic focus every month throughout the academic year. The focus for January 2015 is ‘assessment’ which seems appropriate as we approach the examination period. For each theme we’ll have a range of workshops, ‘coffee and cake’ sessions as well as blogRead more


Bookings are now closed for the #LCEvidenceBase mini-conference here on Wednesday. Over 70 people have registered so I’m looking forward to some great debates. View the programme here.Read more

Lecture Capture event at Loughborough 17th December – PROGRAMME NOW AVAILABLE

On Wednesday December 17th the Centre for Academic Practice is holding its second lecture capture mini-conference, open to both Loughborough staff and external delegates. Over 60 people have already booked. Entitled Lecture Capture: Building the Evidence Base,  the workshop will provide participants with an opportunity to engage in conversation around the evidence base for the valueRead more

Attention Camtasia users!

If you’re a Camtasia user (and we have many here on campus, making narrated screen recordings for a variety of purposes), you might be interested in a new multi-platform app Techsmith have brought out called Fuse. This works with the latest versions of Camtasia (8.4) and allows you to send images and videos instantly fromRead more

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